Herman Cain calling for the GDIs on Wall Street to move to the White House. TFM.

    1. sprintinMarathons

      I guess. I take back the “shut up GDI” but I will keep the “Herman Cain is FaF.

      13 years ago at 7:40 pm
    2. FuckLiberals69

      Herman Cain is much more successful than you will ever be. I respect anyone, regardless of color that is willing to work their ass of to make something of themselves

      13 years ago at 7:42 pm
    3. booze haze slam

      idk if he will never be as successful as the guy above but i agree if hes willing to work go for it. but I also think hes a clown. the first time i heard him i thought he was a preacher or comedian.

      13 years ago at 7:54 pm
    4. Go Frat Win

      Haha preacher or a comedian. That’s about right. Guy couldn’t give a straight answer to a questions to save his life. Being successful in the pizza industry does not necessarily correlate into a successful Presidency.

      13 years ago at 11:43 pm
    5. BROnard Ramsey

      While I hate everyone on this site, it’s threads like this that keep me coming back.

      13 years ago at 2:09 am
    6. BROnard Ramsey

      Shit, too drunk to reply to the right thread, fuck this thread and apply my previous comment to this one below /

      I will take my necessary lap.

      13 years ago at 2:11 am
    1. Lambda Chi Alan

      I’m studying for my Compensation Management test right now, while browsing TFMs.

      13 years ago at 7:48 pm
    2. ThadCastle

      Picture yourself as a nine year-old boy who thinks he just invented masturbation.

      13 years ago at 8:39 pm
  1. proud to be tEXan

    While Cain is darker than perfect, he knows what he’s talking about when it comes to business/ the economy.

    13 years ago at 7:44 pm
    1. scbro91

      But he has no idea how washington works. “I would require that a bill be at most 3 pages, because it fits with the stereotype that Americans hate reading and having to do shit.”

      13 years ago at 8:39 pm
    1. sprintinMarathons

      Being blatantly racist. NF. Insinuating racism and having people realize it later. TFM.

      13 years ago at 7:52 pm
  2. FratfricanAmerican

    Being black has nothing to do with being FaF. I’m black and I frat hard. Being a hood ni66a is NF. But there’s a big difference between being black and being a ni66er.

    13 years ago at 9:32 pm
    1. FratfricanAmerican

      ^^this. character, upbringing, and to a certain limited degree socioeconomic status determine how fratty you are. nothing else.

      13 years ago at 1:20 am
    1. Frattery

      This does nothing to change the fact that the vast majority of these Occupy X folks are filthy (literally) GDIs. There are exceptions to every rule. Go shed your liberal tears elsewhere.

      13 years ago at 10:49 pm
    2. ThadCastle

      scbro91, I can confidently say everybody on this site hates you. The entire nation’s Greek members and future leaders thinks you’re a complete tool bag. Congrats, now go fuck yourself.

      13 years ago at 11:46 pm
    3. USS Hazer

      Get fucked scbro. Seriously, I don’t have to respect any veteran, having been to Iraq myself twice over, I know that a lot of them are fucking douchebags like any group of people anywhere else in the world. Especially the cocksuckers who try to throw it in other people’s face by wearing vet hats everywhere or disrespecting their uniform by wearing it improperly to try to get free shit or false respect at some douchebag rally. In fact, the people who do those things are usually the cooks, the finance, the admins, and the other people who have no concept of doing anything remotely dangerous. So fuck those two guys and fuck you too. You can’t try to use a group who’s well respected or protected to get people to agree with your point you stupid, liberal fuck.

      13 years ago at 12:59 pm