Mitt and the AMAZING Sandwich Machine

No unfortunately that’s not the title of a terrible children’s adventure book from the mid 1980’s. God I wish it was. A boy and his trusty sandwich robot solving crimes and feeding the hungry? Yeah, I’d read that.

In case you missed it, on Monday MSNBC partook in the standard cable news practice of selectively editing clips of politicians they don’t like. Generally that type of lazy “hey we desperately need something to talk about” journalism wouldn’t be noted by anyone other than Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert, and rightfully so. However this particular bit of selective editing is especially stupid, and drew the ire of conservative and liberal news outlets alike.

In the clip below MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell introduces a clip of Mitt Romney talking about a sandwich ordering touchscreen from a restaurant chain called “WaWa.” Her introduction would have you believe, with the reference to George H.W. Bush’s “supermarket scanner moment,” that Mitt Romney is easily impressed and was “amazed” by a relatively pedestrian piece of technology. The clip, which cuts short Romney’s whole spiel on the sandwich machine, reinforces this.

DEERRRRRRRRPPPPPP Mitt Romney is bad at computers! Mitt Romney uses an old Nokia brick cell phone! DERP DUH DERP DUH DERP!

God this is stupid. What’s even the point to this? Does anyone really believe Mitt Romney is bad with technology? Or that he hasn’t seen a touchscreen before? I’m fairly certain that Mitt Romney is so rich that if he pleased he could have a battalion of Davids, the Michael Fassbender robot from Prometheus, manufactured and programmed to be the butlers at all of his homes.

The point Romney was trying to make, which MSNBC purposely cut short, was about how innovations like touch screens at fast food restaurants are a triumph of the private sector. Not exactly a life and death point to miss, but still, c’mon. Can MSNBC try and act like it’s not full of shit for three seconds? Andrea Mitchell played the clip in full at the outset of her show today after being contacted by the RNC.

Cable news, I hate you.

    1. Lil B

      Not trolling this time. I was there and heard the whole thing and then shook his hand like a true fratstar. They took it completely out of context. Fuck liberals.

      12 years ago at 8:37 pm
    1. F or NF

      ^honestly it’s everyone and anyone not just liberals, not just conservatives. This whole country is fucked.

      12 years ago at 2:16 pm
    1. DePauwDTD

      it is possible to be liberal and frat. obama has done wonderful thigns for this country despite wha tfox news would have you believe

      12 years ago at 2:27 pm
    2. John Deltway

      You’re the cancer of this country and you’re giving us delts a bad name.

      12 years ago at 2:33 pm
    3. thunderthor

      ^^^Yeah, like what he’s done to improve education in this country. A point perfectly reflected in your inability to use proper grammar, or spell correctly. Fuck you, and fuck Obama.

      12 years ago at 2:46 pm
    4. Miz_Secpledge

      It’s possible to be a moderate democrat (maybe) and still frat…however it is difficult to be an American much less frat if you honestly believe Obama is worth a shit.

      12 years ago at 2:47 pm
    5. Too Frat To Fail

      It’s okay guys. Delt at DePauw is not very frat anyway. This basically sums up their house.

      12 years ago at 4:07 pm
    1. DePauwDTD

      “yes i’d like a 4 inch by 4 inch peanut butter and jelly on hwheat bread”

      12 years ago at 2:15 pm
  1. ThinkThereforeFRAT

    That IS amazing. Of course we are all familiar with touch screens but it is certainly pretty cool to be able to specify your order so effectively.

    12 years ago at 2:21 pm