1. SmokeFattysChugNatty

      But I really think he would. Marijuana has and will continue be around, for a long time. I guarantee the founders of some College fraternities smoked a little weed back in the day. Weed can naturally grow plus prescription drugs and alcohol are by far more dangerous and abused on college campuses than weed. America needs to stop spending tax payers money on taking people to jail for small amounts of weed and/or paraphernalia.

      13 years ago at 10:21 am
    2. Wooglin_is_my_bro

      Shut up Hippie and take a lap. Associating drugs with founding fathers is defaming.

      13 years ago at 10:25 am
    3. red_white_and_frat

      ^Did you learn nothing in history? The founding fathers used hemp for multiple uses, including smoking. And George Washington’s snuff box wasn’t full of snuff tobacco.

      13 years ago at 10:56 am
    4. FrataholicAnonymous

      While I don’t smoke weed, nor do I advocate it, I will fully support your right to be an unproductive hippie if you so choose to be. Ron Paul 2012

      13 years ago at 11:03 am
    5. Wooglin_is_my_bro

      @Red_White_and_frat. FIRST,The founders I am referring to are fraternity founders, not founders of the nation. So lace up for that one. SECOND No, NO I do not want to listen to your liberal agenda rant about the history of marijuana in the Great American Nation. Sorry I missed out on Pot History 101 for shitheads.
      @SmokeFattysChugNatty. This isn’t a place to peddle your pro weed/decriminalization speech. I DON’T GIVE A FUCK.

      13 years ago at 11:49 am
    6. Scotch_Neat

      Jesus Christ. What you’ve done here is taken a beloved beverage and made it into a dirty hippie accessory. Here’s the problem: Scotch and Pot exist in different dimensions. Scotch is enjoyed by gentlemen at every opportunity, while pot is an embarrassing thing that you do while blackout, or occasionally on the weekend. The two should not exist side by side, and turning a bottle of scotch into a drug-delivery system is abhorrent at best.

      13 years ago at 1:01 pm
    1. OnlyOneOrder

      Only GDIs and coke whores die from coke. We fraternity men know how to handle our habits.

      13 years ago at 8:12 pm
    1. Frattapalooza

      I doubt it… since they obviously had the money for a bottle of scotch, and most likely smoked out of something before they made this is their free time, you fucking trolls

      13 years ago at 3:06 pm
    2. Bausch85

      He bought a thirty dollar bottle of scotch. I think a nice bong would cost around $300.

      13 years ago at 3:26 pm