There really needs to be some form of filtration system so that the unproductive, social degenerate, hippie GDI’s cannot join this site; solidifying their inadequacy and rendering them utterly incapable of posting disgraceful pictures like this. You probably poured that Walker out of your dorm room window to make that piece of shit. I’m not completely bashing weed, but holy fuck… That’s Black Label!! And, judging by the shitty construction of this apparatus you hippie fucks call a “piece”, you are poor and lack the decency to go out and buy a nice bong that possesses at least a small level of aesthetic quality. Cut your hair, quit wasting good whiskey and being a geed, and man up.
This is a disgrace.
13 years ago at 7:10 pmThere really needs to be some form of filtration system so that the unproductive, social degenerate, hippie GDI’s cannot join this site; solidifying their inadequacy and rendering them utterly incapable of posting disgraceful pictures like this. You probably poured that Walker out of your dorm room window to make that piece of shit. I’m not completely bashing weed, but holy fuck… That’s Black Label!! And, judging by the shitty construction of this apparatus you hippie fucks call a “piece”, you are poor and lack the decency to go out and buy a nice bong that possesses at least a small level of aesthetic quality. Cut your hair, quit wasting good whiskey and being a geed, and man up.
13 years ago at 7:48 pmHow verbose
13 years ago at 8:56 pm^^This guy gets it.
13 years ago at 1:52 amTo Stoned and Frat To Care .TSFTC
13 years ago at 10:39 pmHow is this not on Fail Friday?
13 years ago at 10:49 pmFuck I won’t turn down weed when I’m hungover.
13 years ago at 2:08 pmShut the fuck up. Shit. Poop. Damn. Transvestite hookers.
13 years ago at 3:35 pmGeorge Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew weed and wrote in detail about it.
13 years ago at 11:48 am+1
13 years ago at 4:59 pmJohnny would be pissed. NF.
13 years ago at 2:27 pm