Jay Cutler being the frattest QB in the world at the Iroquois Steeplechase in Nashville.

  1. FairwayFreddy

    Apparently the dude in the middle thinks dressing like colonel sanders is TFTC?

    13 years ago at 4:36 pm
    1. TheFertileTurtle

      while seersucker suits are fucking awesome, he does oddly look like him you’re right

      13 years ago at 6:59 pm
    2. BeauDuke

      You have never seen Colonel Sanders. Also, you have never been to the South. Chug bleach and ammonia.

      13 years ago at 7:03 pm
  2. OnlyTheSouthFrats

    Anytime you play quarteback in the SEC and somehow manage to rush in a fraternity, you must be doing something right. (Eli Manning, Jay Cutler, etc.)

    13 years ago at 7:15 pm
  3. yourdad

    Cutler is a duck throwing tard… seersuckers are for momma’s boys and Matlock.

    13 years ago at 8:02 pm
  4. Brovis Love III

    has cutler ever smiled in a picture. he always looks like he just found out the nationals rep just showed up at the house.

    13 years ago at 9:58 pm
    1. Jon M Fratsman

      RBHaze, the only reason I asked on here was because I googled it myself and couldn’t find any real concrete evidence that he was actually Greek. Vanderbilt, by the way, does not have a Sigma Phi Society chapter, nor have they ever had one. At this point I’m strongly inclined to believe that the much-vaunted frattiness of Jay Cutler is pointless, as in the absence of solid proof he appears to be nothing but a geed.

      13 years ago at 10:38 am
    2. Rutherford B_Haze

      Maybe they used to have one or he got inducted in a way similar to Aaron Rodgers.

      13 years ago at 3:55 pm
    3. Jon M Fratsman

      I doubt it. For starters, Vanderbilt has never had a chapter of the Sigma Phi Society, ever. Secondly, try looking shit up about Sigma Phi…their national website was last updated in 2007. I think it’s basically a dead fraternity only kept alive by a few chapters such as the one at UVA. Therefore, seeing as Vanderbilt never had a chapter, and it’s more or less toast, Jay Cutler is officially a geed.

      13 years ago at 7:46 pm
    1. Fraternity Lifestyle

      Fuck the Bears and fuck the Packers. And while I’m at it, fuck the Vikings. Go Lions.

      13 years ago at 1:41 am
  5. ObamaIsAPike

    Some underage kids got arrested there next to us. Buddy’s dad is a cop and knew the cop that busted them. We left with more beer than we went with.

    13 years ago at 9:56 pm