1. greekwings1

    Im curious as to why the fuck any of you boys feel the need to objectify and degrade a couple of girls that posted a picture that was never intended for your benefit. Especially because i am absolutely positive that NONE of them would even give any of you dirty, egotistical, small minded and immature little fucks an opportunity to touch them. From your trashy comments one could assume that you all are a bunch of ugly roofying mother fuckers. GET SOME CLASS

    12 years ago at 4:02 pm
    1. Eugenicist at Large

      ^This. I bet the girl swearing at random guys on TFM is a shining example of class. Thing 1 needs to calm down.

      12 years ago at 8:55 pm
    2. WilmaWildSrat

      The girls objectified and degraded themselves by posing for and posting this picture. Learn the lesson and move on…

      12 years ago at 10:10 am
    3. The American Lion

      I’m guessing you’re a bit new here, this is just how people talk here for humor. It’s been a while since I’ve been on this site but the last time I was here it was around when the butt pee comments were still overly excessive still, I see those have died down quite a bit now. I see some new functions to the site as well. Yelling at someone on here gets you no where because they’re just going to laugh and continue to take it as far as they can laugh at

      12 years ago at 5:57 am
    4. boozeandbabes

      These girls definitely have been touched greekwings1, well at least one has, I can promise that…

      12 years ago at 2:11 pm
    5. nintenbro64_

      This bitch is so new here it’s not even funny. Sweetie will you pretty please get the dick out of your ass and into your mouth and calm down?

      12 years ago at 2:18 pm
  2. TheRowdyFratDaddy

    Its like a sliding scale from good to ok… Id fuck the shit out of that DZ…

    12 years ago at 5:26 pm
    1. OurHero

      you mean like that fat black chick you fisted sophmore year, on the front porch for everyone too see

      12 years ago at 12:35 am