Mizzou Wide Receiver Calls Almost Every SEC Member “Average”

Shit yes. Blood has been drawn, and Missouri wide receiver TJ Moe is still holding the bloody knife. I have been begging for some college football news to get us through these next painful few weeks until the opening kickoff, and Moe just gift wrapped this one for me.

SEC Media Days began in Hoover, Alabama today, and new pledge Missouri walked in with their chests out. I remember that pre-hazing ‘chip on the shoulder’ feeling that fall before shit got real. I also remember it’s abrupt demise when the ink on my bid had dried. Okay, here’s exactly what he said:

“It’s not all 12 teams who are dominating everybody,” Moe said. ‘It’s one or two (teams). The rest are kind of … average.”

The pledge has strayed, SEC members.

Average Georgia comes to town in week 2. Should be a fun game. You better buckle that chin strap, chief.

  1. Justafan

    He was speaking about the big 12. The two teams he referenced were OU and Texas. The rest, including I assume, Mizzou.

    12 years ago at 10:22 pm
    1. Govols

      This guy ^^^ is trying to say Moe was talking about the Big 12 not the SEC. Moe said “It’s not all 12 teams…” The SEC has 12 teams and the Big 12 has 10. Therefore, Moe was talking about the SEC, not the Big 10, and this guy’s ^^^ comment was worthless. That’s my point, “chief”. Sorry I had to spell it out for you.

      12 years ago at 12:35 am
  2. billiam14

    Lets be honest, Mizzou ( for those illerates that cant speak english like most of the people that went to Missouri) Never won anything of significance in the Big 12 in the modern era. There last championship they won or even competed for was in Baseball in 1954 so why do people think they are going to do any better in a tougher conference. They are going to replace Vanderbilt as the biggest bitch in the SEC, Their athletic program is a joke and anyone who takes them as a real threat in the SEC is an idiot.
    P.S. their basketball coach was a fluke and despite being a less aggressive basketball conference, they STILL SUCK

    12 years ago at 10:29 pm
    1. HighwayBratrol

      Hey, billiam14, you “illerate” geed. Go read a dictionary before you write that anyone other than yourself is illiterate.

      12 years ago at 11:09 pm
    2. ChevyNoChaser

      It’s “Let’s” not “Lets” unless you were talking about tennis, you fucking moron.
      It’s “can’t” not “cant”, you fucking moron.
      Don’t capitalize a word after parentheses, unless it’s a proper noun.
      It’s “Their” not “There”.
      Don’t capitalize “baseball”, unless it’s used as a proper noun.
      Don’t capitalize a word after a comma, unless it’s a proper noun.
      “…and despite being (in) a less aggressive basketball conference…”

      we aint great at speaking that there english here in the midwest but you bet yer ass we shore can read good!! how do you expect us to speak when we aint go no teeth!

      Fuck you, sir. If you’re going to call us illiterate, you can at least have the decency to practice correct grammar and punctuation. Especially with a name like “billiam”. That’s just disrespectful to men named William, like the Bard himself. The Bard…aka William Shakespeare…aka whose nickname I obviously learned by having sex with my cousins, not because I went to school.

      12 years ago at 11:23 pm
    3. Broshambo

      Easy Chevy Jesus, I hope you were on at least 50+ mgs of addy to waste your time writing all that.

      12 years ago at 12:27 am
    4. Frat in the Hat

      Chevy, you write that fucking novel of a response to what billiam wrote and yet not a single point in that whole idiotic rant actually addresses the main point of his argument, that your school is mediocre. He makes several valid points to shut up all you water trash hillbillies that continually insist that you actually stand a chance in the greatest conference in greatest country in the world. And to not play the anonymous shit talker like most others here, I go to UT. While my programs record the past few years may be far less than stellar and not on par with the rest of the SEC, I have no doubt we will continue the uninterrupted hazing/humiliation that will be your team’s season these next few months. See you in November, champ.

      12 years ago at 6:44 am
    5. Frat Sajack

      I think it was the point that he called us Missourians illiterates and he can’t even spell the word “illiterate.”

      12 years ago at 2:40 pm
    6. KeepCalm_and_BOMO

      48 wins by our football team in the last five years – ranking 9th in the nation – is no small accomplishment. The Big XII is NOT a high school league. Take a look at what the other SEC coaches are saying this week. None of them seem to think Missouri is a team they can afford to overlook. I’ll take their opinion over yours every time.

      Why do you think winning “championships” is the only measure of success? Many of the “National Championships” claimed were awarded after the fact – in some cases 20-30 years later by a single person claiming to be an “authority”. Missouri has a couple of those in basketball – but you won’t see banners hanging for those, kU on the otherhand….

      12 years ago at 3:47 pm
  3. Riverboat Gambler

    Bama – Dominating
    LSU – Dominating
    Ole Miss – Dominating the tailgating but they’re going 3-9
    Georgia – solid 9-3 team.
    Carolina – solid 9-3 team.
    Auburn – 7-5 okay team.
    Arkansas – 8-4 if they get it together
    Miss. St. – a fucking 6-6 team at the very best
    Mizzou – 7-5 at best.
    Kentucky – 4-8
    Florida – 8-4 possibly
    A & M – 7-5 maybe
    Tennessee – The Vols are in the cellar. 3-9
    Vanderbilt – Overhyped team. 7-5

    It’s a fair comment by Moe. The mediocre OOC scheduling inflates the wins some of these SEC teams have.

    12 years ago at 11:01 pm
    1. Ron Washington

      Ehhh, I don’t think you’re too far off. Arkansas should be better than 8-4. But I do think UT will have a huge bounce back season. Going 8-4/9-3. I can’t wait for it to begin.

      12 years ago at 11:08 pm
    2. taylorpost

      They have said carolina could go 11-1 without too much issue this year. I wouldnt sleep on em or think they will lose more than 2.

      12 years ago at 11:27 pm
    3. Bows_and_Toes_Pussys

      Mississippi state 6-6 at best have you seen their fucking schedule you fucking idiothttp://www.fbschedules.com/ncaa-12/sec/2012-mississippi-state-bulldogs-football-schedule.php
      8-4/9-3 depending on the auburn game or arkansas game they will go 1-1 on those

      12 years ago at 11:37 pm
    4. Ron Washington

      And Riverboat, you may be right, but I think UT will be a better team this year if Bray stays healthy. I see them at 8-4, with wins over N.C. State, GA State, Akron, MSU, Troy, Mizz., Vandy, UK. Maybe they lose one of these, but they could pick up a W elsewhere on the schedule

      12 years ago at 11:47 pm
    5. Bows_and_Toes_Pussys

      6 guaranteed wins the games against tennessee arkansas auburn and a&m are all home games and Miss State comes to play at home every time…

      12 years ago at 12:15 am
    6. Bows_and_Toes_Pussys

      Let me guess Riverboat you attend that shut stained school up north people call ole miss right?

      12 years ago at 12:17 am
    7. MakersWithASplash

      MSU will be 7-0 or at least 6-1 going into week 8 of the season. If you can only count 6 games that they “should win” then you are a moron.

      12 years ago at 12:43 am
    8. Nauti_Natty

      youre a moron if you think the Auburn-Mississippi State game will be easy for either team, but even at home MSU will have a tough time moving the ball at all.

      12 years ago at 1:38 am
    9. Riverboat Gambler

      MSU is winning three conference games. To assume that you’re going to win all these games is stupid. Auburn, Tennessee guaranteed? Absurd. According to you they’ll win “because they come to play at home every time.” You’re being a homer and not realistic. 7-5, 6-6 team. By the way, I don’t go to butthurt Ole Miss. I go to the school that really did “come to play at home every time.” NCAA record 58 straight home wins…

      12 years ago at 9:45 am
    10. Riverboat Gambler

      @Ron Washington. The Vols are really improved. They have potential and will be competitive in almost every game. It really depends on Bray.

      12 years ago at 9:49 am
    11. Bows_and_Toes_Pussys

      Nice try Riverboat but Boise State now holds that record and you don’t even go to a SEC school so go back to miami with your cuban friends an snort some blow and relive the glory days of the U because they are over now you CUBAN FUCK!!

      12 years ago at 3:35 pm
    12. Riverboat Gambler

      We still hold the record dumbdick. Boise State lost the bowl game they had on that GDI field. They only count regular season games. We count the bowl games where we would rout #1 ranked teams for 11 seasons. Congrats on going to the shit stain of the SEC, I guess…

      12 years ago at 10:00 am
    13. Bows_and_Toes_Pussys

      Your really going to sit here and talk shit about state being the shit stain of the sec keep in mind y’all had the same record 6-6 but mississippi state was able to go to their bowl game and win because they did not have allegations about their football team so therefore they finished with a better record than miami and they played in the sec and the 6 teams they lost to in sec had a combine record of 65-16 and the 5 teams you lost to in that god awful ACC you call a conference had a record of 31-30 look just man up and accept the fact that y’all are a very good i mean very good basketball conference but leave the football talk to the real conferences and go have fun playing your teams because yalls bowl record speaks for itself 2-6

      12 years ago at 3:14 pm
    14. Riverboat Gambler

      My school is in a bad stretch and your school is in an above par stretch. I clearly recognize that my school currently sucks. Every school has its ups and downs. Simple as that. The SEC is clearly dominating football right now. Six straight championships speak for itself. You SEC fans make it seem like you were dominating football for the past century.

      12 years ago at 8:38 am
    15. yourfavgeed

      if I were writing a movie, and had to come up with a stupid, cousin-loving redneck attempt at an insult, it would so totally be “dumbdick”. Thanks for the comedy.

      12 years ago at 8:51 am
  4. rollinghills_bro

    and in related news, Mizzou mouthpeice TJ Moe is still waiting on his Enron and WorldCom shares predicting they’re due to comeback any time now…

    12 years ago at 11:17 pm
  5. ReaganKA

    This piece of shit comes out of the most top heavy conference in football and he says the SEC doesn’t have depth? What an idiot.

    12 years ago at 12:04 am
  6. Strom Thurmond

    The kid was right about the women, right about the dress code, but is wrong about this. There are 5 above average teams, 5 average teams, 1 below average team and Ole Miss. I can’t wait until Bacarri Rambo, DJ Swearinger, Kenny Ladler, Robert Lester, Martavius Neloms, Matt Elam and Brian Randolph all light this kid up and welcome him to the conference this season.

    12 years ago at 5:33 am
  7. JudgeFraterson

    Let the decapitations commence!

    Yours truly,
    Every Free Safety in the SEC now walking around with a fully torqued dong which resembles a 2X4

    12 years ago at 6:19 am
  8. ice cold frat

    He’s… right. The conference as a whole is ridiculously overrated. Not saying Bama, LSU, and Arky (Georgia, USC) aren’t good, but you look fucking amazing when the only above mediocre teams you play in conference are each other. Hell, you could slap great AP ratings on the Mountain West at the beginning of the year and 2 would go to BCS bowls because “They dominated the best conference in college football. They beat, combined, 11 teams in the top 25.” When, in reality, all those ‘great’ teams that they defeated were just products of a skewed bias of rating.

    12 years ago at 6:46 am
    1. olemissreb4412

      That is officially the dumbest thing i have ever read. Six national titles in a row. six. fuck you

      12 years ago at 7:10 am
    2. ice cold frat

      ^ Comprehension skills of a 2nd grader? Let’s dumb it down for you. In the preceding paragraph I wrote, in points:

      1) TOP 1-3 TEAMS IN SEC GOOD.

      is that easier for you to understand?

      12 years ago at 7:14 am
  9. SECisTFM

    Anyone calling Tennessee a sure win for Missouri should never be allowed to participate in anything that has to do with football ever again. Go home.

    12 years ago at 6:47 am