Most Hated GDI of the Week: Administration

Behind every successful Greek system in the country there is a conniving, pure evil entity pulling the puppet strings to their favor. While we as organizations understand the reason we exist (read: partying to an unsafe extent on a regular basis) this diabolical institution throws out garbage like “social probation” and “dry rush” to quell our belligerent tendencies. I’m speaking, of course, about the dreaded administration that oversees us all, and makes our pursuit of a good time just a little more difficult.

I’m sure a few schools out there may have a decent, Greek-friendly system, but for the majority of the country the battle between fraternities and the campus bigwigs is an ongoing struggle. Naturally, it’s a completely unfair fight, and we face the hammer of the law consistently from these fiends. I’m all for ensuring safety and people not getting arrested. That’s just fine. But I’ll never understand why some administrations take a personal vendetta against the Greeks they oversee. There’s a fine line between dangerous risks fraternities (take ziplines from the roof for instance) and a totally normal night of fraternal extravagance. I don’t see police officers making arrests for jaywalking, so why would administration feel the need to stifle our daily habits?

I’ve seen what’s happened recently in schools like Texas and South Carolina, so I know I’m not alone on this one. We are, as a whole, being fucked by the long dick of the law, and we must stand together to prevent these gross overpunishments. Between all the social limitations, suspensions, and “double secret probation,” we are at a pivotal crossroads over which we must persevere. My advice? Keep doing exactly what you’ve been doing. They can rip the charter from my cold, dead fingers if they want it that badly, but I refuse to sit idly by and let this obvious discrimination of Greeks continue. We are the future leaders of this country, and the current leaders of our respective campuses. No organization holds even a sliver of the sway that Greeks as a whole have, and it’s about time the admins began taking note. I don’t care what letters you slap on your chest, in the war between Greeks and administration, there is only one brotherhood.

And to any administrators that somehow stumble across this column, I have a message for you as well. And no, it isn’t a “Fuck you,” believe it or not. All I can say is: lighten up. You were in college once too, and I bet damn sure you’d still be able to pull a decent kegstand if you tried. Most fraternities have existed for over a century; 100+ years full of blackouts, slampieces, and good old fashioned tradition. We’re not going to let you change the way we do things now, so don’t even bother.

  1. pearls and Lilly

    Our greek life tries to “level the playing field”. Why would we all want to be equally mediocre? Obvs there’s a lib in charge.

    13 years ago at 6:03 pm
    1. Captain of the frat

      “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” Winston Churchill.

      13 years ago at 11:28 pm
    2. Captain of the frat

      He was a man of intelligence and understood that “capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings” either way. liberals are gay

      13 years ago at 11:33 pm
  2. Teddy__Brosevelt

    Constantly being on and off double secret probation and still always being a top-tier fraternity. TFM

    13 years ago at 8:31 pm
  3. December 10 1869

    The administration is obviously in place to keep “order” in your university. Many of them were in fact Greeks. In most cases, they understand the tradition and excellence implied with the Greek system. However, when a fraternity or sorority goes over the line and fucks a pledge past the point of no return, it is their responsibility to drop the metaphorical hammer. Hell, one of the members of this site may and probably will become a member of some university’s administration. While I don’t condone the discriminatory acts of admins on the Greek system, it is our responsibility to make sure that our pledges keep their dirty fucking mouths shut. It is also incumbent on us to recognize that when the administration is trying to give us the long dick of university law that we keep our fucking noses clean and try to promote ourselves in the most gentlemanly manner possible. Whether it be increasing our community service (which is the backbone of our good-deed doing), or stepping up our game at student government meetings, our reputation is riding primarily on our own actions. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

    13 years ago at 11:22 pm
  4. mosthonorableactive

    The GDI administration at my school recently succeeded in destroying the row. They turned it into a parking lot, destroyed the houses, and as one final “fuck you” to us they painted over the letters everybody used to have painted in the street in front of their houses. I’m just glad our house is historic so those fucks can’t take it down. It’s our way of saying “fuck you” right back to them

    13 years ago at 2:57 pm
  5. Fraternity Man

    While everyone (especially Greek) was in Dallas for the OU-Texas game, OU’s student conduct office was still trying to do alcohol checks despite the fact that every house was locked and empty. Quite the use of a payroll.

    13 years ago at 8:04 pm

    This is all fine and great until you get injured or killed in a fraternity activity and then you/your family sue the pants off of the school for not monitoring activities properly. Can’t have it both ways.

    13 years ago at 10:43 am