Most Hated GDI of the Week: The Hipster
My friends, as we all know the cross-country GDI epidemic is reaching near unsustainable levels. In the weeks to come, I will be pointing out the worst breeds under the non-exclusive banner of Gamma Delta Iota, and where better to start than the hygiene lacking, band shirt wearing, eyeliner embracing hipster.
The far-from-elusive hipster can most commonly be found near sketchy dive bars, in the library, or discussing his 1000-level philosophy course in your local Starbucks (loud enough for everyone to hear of course). While we as fraternal men embrace cleanliness and clothes that represent success and confidence, this sweaty socialite ventures instead into the “unwashed capris” region of style, purely to appear ironic. The hipster typically scours the internet for the obscure ideas of others, and then passes them off as his own. If anyone disagrees, they are disregarded as being “too mainstream,” whatever the fuck that means.
While we, being the obvious superiors in this situation, very rarely come in direct contact with the hipster breed, there are a few key steps one can take when they find themselves surrounded.
If these ska-dancing losers put down their bong long enough to taint your bar of choice with their presence, the fix is simple. Hopefully, your bar allows some control of the music via requests or jukebox, as this is our get-hipsters-out-free card. Simply line up a few Hank Williams Jr. songs, and by the time “If the South Would’ve Won” comes on, the hipsters will be out of there faster than they can say “it’s pretty obscure, you probably haven’t heard of it.”
Hipsters on campus are an entirely different challenge. While we may have massive amounts of power in our respective student governments, we haven’t quite reached the point where we can police who walks on campus, much to our chagrin. This means on your occasional walks to class, you may very well be crossed by the dreaded hipster. I’ve seen them walking, biking, and even riding a Razor scooter in my personal exploits. While I admit, my own Razor scooter was pretty badass back in the day, but I managed to realize at age 10 how pathetic a mode of transportation it was. “Accidentally” jutting out your shoulder, or dropping a stick in their path comes to mind as a possible solution when these hipsters breach your comfort zone with their pungent aura.
While I would never condone trashing every GDI you see (they aren’t worth the time of day) sometimes the hipster crosses the boundary and needs to be put in line. Yes, I may seem like a conformist to you; yes, a lot of people like the same bands as me; and yes, my clothes are bright and my shorts are short. But at the end of the day, I’m pulling slams while you, you sad pitiful hipster, are jerking off to a new band you found on Grooveshark.
Fucking hippies
14 years ago at 2:22 pm
14 years ago at 2:48 pm^Haha how does this video only have 80 views?
14 years ago at 3:16 pmlmfao^^
14 years ago at 3:20 pm
14 years ago at 3:20 pmPossibly the funniest video I’ve seen on youtube
14 years ago at 3:25 pmFantastic.
14 years ago at 4:40 pm“I was like, ‘did he say n*****?’ I like this guy!”
80 views? I think TFM traffic just pushed it over 300.
14 years ago at 4:58 pmThat video almost killed me I was laughing so hard.
14 years ago at 7:08 pmThank you cc405 for that video. One of the best I’ve seen in a while. Laughed for a while.
14 years ago at 12:19 amMore hipsters than I wanted to see today.
14 years ago at 2:33 pmThe fuckin hipster in the first picture looks like the professor from animal house
14 years ago at 2:33 pmI dunno, guys, their mustaches are pretty neat…
14 years ago at 2:33 pmGamma Delta Eta?
14 years ago at 2:34 pmI’m guessing it’s supposed to sound like geed? Gamma delta eta, GDE? Geed?
14 years ago at 2:50 pmTry Gamma Delta Iota
14 years ago at 2:56 pmTry GDI
14 years ago at 2:59 pmSomeone needs to have the greek alphabet hazed into their mind again.
14 years ago at 3:56 pmEta=H. Take a lap monster
14 years ago at 4:44 pmhaha wow. Ramsey and fratness up there^ really knocked that one out of the park.
14 years ago at 5:26 pmgod damn hippies man
14 years ago at 6:23 pmWow, I didn’t even notice it was actually Iota. Should have looked at the column I read in 2 minutes again to clarify. I know Eta is an H, I just thought someone was trying to sound clever. I’ll take a lap for this one.
14 years ago at 7:14 amThe guido/douchebag is WAY worse than the hipster. I generally avoid sketchy bars, the library, and local coffee shops so its easy to avoid contact with the hipster. Even outside of their normal environments, a hipster usually keeps to himself and his other hipster friends. A guido/douchebag, on the other hand, walks around like him and his “brahs” own the place and will go out of his way to hit on any woman, regardless of relationship status.
14 years ago at 2:35 pmTune in next week, bro.
14 years ago at 2:49 pmLet me apologize to all the hipsters for having parents who love me. Sorry your parents were shitty geeds who didn’t know any better. Also Natty>PBR 7 days a week and twice on Sunday
14 years ago at 2:36 pmI couldn’t agree more on the Natty v PBR debate. It’s not even close.
14 years ago at 2:45 pm^Agreed.
14 years ago at 7:00 pmI prefer my beers dark and Irish, in the most optimal situation. For pong, those are way too heavy and way too dark, but on the Natty/PBR debate:
Natty wins. It’s drinkable. PBR is ironically shitty. Natty is pong beer. There’s a big difference. I’d take a natty any day over a PBR. Plus, I’d drink the natty just to spite some fucking hipster.
14 years ago at 2:20 pmThis is fabulous! I would really love to hear opinions on different female-only types of GDI too; we can all pretty much recognize them but it would be funny to actually have a specific name for the entire spectrum. Ohh and maybe different types of frat too, I mean obviously traditional southern frat is the best, but obviously not everyone can be from below the line. Back to baking so y’all have something to eat when you’re done considering 🙂
14 years ago at 2:38 pmI wanna eat pussy. Can you bake your pussy?
14 years ago at 2:39 pmStay classy… idiot.^
14 years ago at 2:41 pmHey, you don’t call me an idiot you idiot
14 years ago at 2:42 pmWe actually now have that on our menu! Baked Pussy.
14 years ago at 2:43 pm^With queso?
14 years ago at 2:46 pmDid the chili’s guy hack your account? ^
14 years ago at 3:16 pmChilis guy +1
14 years ago at 3:20 pm^ I hope that comes with a side of Vagisil.
14 years ago at 3:28 pm^Srat5thAve please don’t ruin vaginas for me by mentioning Vagisil.
14 years ago at 4:29 pmThis has been truly disturbing….
14 years ago at 5:20 pmBut if you eat the Vagisil you can become a NASCAR driver. What’s more fratty than being paid millions to drive fast and look flashy doing it?
14 years ago at 6:59 pmTurning left. NF.
14 years ago at 8:52 pmive known many fratty/hippy hybrids, and they are cooler than sterling cooper
14 years ago at 2:46 pmThanks for sharing, Sigma Nu.
14 years ago at 3:16 pmThe truth hurts that polo wearing is getting old. Style changes but unfortunately style doesn’t migrate as fast as the a storm system from the west to the south/Least coasts where frats have their main stay. Listen you can bash their clothing as much as you want but any good musician (yes there are a few in the mainstream) will un-doubtably agree that what most hipsters are listening too is the way of the future. I would love to read this article in 10 years. Not my fault you’re behind the curb, broseph.
14 years ago at 3:47 pmPlease shut the fuck up and die”Frattyhipster”
14 years ago at 3:55 pmI will wear Polo until I’m dead. Fuck you.
14 years ago at 5:52 pmhey frattyhipster part of being in a fraternity in the south means we like tradition and the good ole days. enjoying things that are classic like our founding fathers did. were not concerned with being part of the future in pop culture, we like how things used to be. go back to the west coast
14 years ago at 6:04 pmGo drink some bleach FrattyHipster
14 years ago at 7:03 pmFrattyhipster, you just confirmed every hipster stereotype laid out in this article. Go fuck yourself.
14 years ago at 7:14 pmRe: hipster liberal douche, I will never hire you.
14 years ago at 8:03 pm@frattyhipster I first want to start by saying I have never left a negative comment on this website; it is beneath me. But I want to fuck your face up so bad it litteraly makes me raise my voice. I verbally call out hipster fucking trash walking through campus and down streets all the time because they enrage me. You are not Jack Kerouac so stop dressing like a cock gargling peasant. Hipsters: trying to be different, just like everyone else.
14 years ago at 10:06 pmFrattyhipster is the best troll since I got out of this damn place. Yall are dumb for falling for it.
14 years ago at 12:13 amAnd you’re dumb for being a Pike.
14 years ago at 12:23 am^glad to see we have a pledge on hand. People know me. I’m pretty god damn famous ’round these parts.
14 years ago at 12:26 amI’m just fucking with you Piker. Chill out. Any fellow fraternity man is okay with me. Just trying to defend those who fell for it. Lets turn our attention back to the enemy.
14 years ago at 12:55 amPiker: I made a darn good pike joke that I was hoping you would see. I think we hazed him too much y’all
14 years ago at 9:37 amKitchen. Now. ^
13 years ago at 3:03 pm…I actually posted that while I was waiting for the castle’s oven to preheat…
13 years ago at 8:03 pmIs no one going to mention that frattyhipster said “Not my fault you’re behind the curb, broseph.” Behind the curb? The phrase is behind the curve, just like your IQ.
13 years ago at 2:46 amOh man, the comments for when they do the thug/gangsta one of these will be GLORIOUS.
14 years ago at 2:47 pmI hate black people
14 years ago at 3:11 pm^ This
14 years ago at 3:51 pmThe comments for the dreaded feminist will be better.
14 years ago at 4:31 pmI’m personally looking forward to the “extreme bro”… fuckin pound some Four Loko and shred up the skatepark, rock some limp bizkit, wearin their monster energy hat tilted to the side and their silver chains…. theyre so fuckin extreme.
14 years ago at 5:37 pm^^^
14 years ago at 6:50 pmThe worst thing about those is that some of those guys are actually in fraternities. Ones in the north, but still brothers.
I see “Comments Disabled” in the near future…
14 years ago at 9:17 amPike at Maryland used to exemplify the “Xtreme!!! Bro.” So did Delta Chi. Oddly enough, the most traditional chapters on our campus (my chapter, which has only been here for a few years, Kappa Sig, Phi Gam and Phi Delt) are the ones who so far have stayed the hell off the row. My chapter isn’t even sure we want the row, with how fucking draconian our DFSL is.
14 years ago at 2:28 pmWhere are you? That doesnt sound like a southern school
13 years ago at 8:17 pm