Most Hated GDI of the Week: The Protestor

You see these people nearly every day scattered about campus. Wherever large groups form, these picketed faithful spew their radical beliefs, hoping someone will hear and suddenly think to themselves “Wow, I was wrong all along, these guys are brilliant!” Unfortunately for them, this has never once happened and college students who hear their mindless garbage dismiss it to a level less than a boozed up opposing fan on gameday.

“The Holocaust was a lie!” “9/11 was a government cover up!” and “Hare Krishna” are just a few of these GDIs’ go-to mantras that plague our campuses, and make us individually wish for an “Assholes can’t ever use it” clause to the first amendment.

These vibrant characters generally only attempt to interrupt our fraternal lifestyles in the daytime, by shouting and distributing pamphlets like the apocalypse is coming tomorrow (and in some cases, they actually believe it). But fear not, as always I’m here with a few tips to help you overcome their radically annoying ways.

My first option is the always-useful drive by insult. This plan works most effectively when the protesters in question are talking shit about America, in which case their value as human beings is reduced to less than dog shit under my boot. A triumphant “Get a life,” “Eat Shit,” or, my personal favorite, “Fuck you,” are guaranteed to get the message across. 9/11 was a hoax? Well you’re fucking worthless, go find something better to do at 2pm on a Tuesday.

Another option is the old bait and switch for some up close and personal fun. Simply approach the annoying douchebaits and accept a pamphlet, and begin listening to the mindless droll they’ve filled the streets with. A few minutes in, when you can’t stand the absurdity any longer, throw your pamphlet to the ground and proceed with the aforementioned insults.

The ability to form your own opinions is one of the greatest freedoms of this country. But these people take it a little too far, some even dragging their children, who couldn’t possibly know any better, into the hate-speech. To put a modern spin on the classic Voltaire quote, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it…Unless you’re talking shit about America, then I’ll most likely curb-stomp you.”

  1. liberals are NF

    I would have liked to see the video from that geed attepmting to burn the flag at LSU

    13 years ago at 2:28 pm
  2. Remember Broliad

    UTSA plays only one football game, and their picture gets put in the same article as the anti-Christ, dumbass Brits, and a wannabe Navy Seal. Nice Move.

    13 years ago at 2:36 pm
    1. BrewinFromBologna

      …and it was a home game. Cant take the time for the photo research or was your Nickleback playing too loud?

      13 years ago at 4:52 pm
    2. Remember Broliad

      What the hell does it being a home game have to do with anything? Can’t take the time to learn spelling and grammar?

      13 years ago at 9:57 pm
    1. Success

      Some troll called himself lynch something or another and was supporting the holocaust. These kiddies are getting out of hand after their first wine cooler.

      13 years ago at 3:54 pm
  3. Live Frat or Die

    Despite the annoyance that is protesters. I support the freedoms given to me by the Constitution. That being said most of these idiots are abusing their freedom.

    13 years ago at 3:18 pm
    1. FraterdayAfternoon

      Agreed, they have the right to their opinions and the right to voice them, but I also have my rights to judge and ridicule them.

      13 years ago at 11:38 pm
  4. Frat Squire

    Hell yeah 213…LA the most Frat city in America. Lets hear all the south talk about the middle of nowhere Mississippi being “frat”. If you define the term frat by what is generally portrayed on this website then L.A. or NYC are the most frat.

    13 years ago at 3:23 pm
    1. CityOfBrologna

      ^what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

      13 years ago at 3:38 pm
    2. Keynes is a GDI

      LA and NYC are the most NF cities in the country. The only thing that is at all frat about either of them is the fact that many rich people reside there. Their politics are GDI, their clothing is GDI, their racial makeup is GDI, and their lifestyles are GDI. You GDI.

      13 years ago at 4:43 pm
  5. Fraternity Lifestyle

    Love walking up to the dumb bimbos with clipboards to sign a petition for global warming and debating with them. 90% of the time they can’t back up what they are supporting/protesting very well. Also, once ripped up a paper with at least 40 signatures on it for some coal thing. Got smacked pretty hard. Then got hammered.

    13 years ago at 4:10 pm
  6. sananbronio

    The guy in the second picture isn’t a geed, he’s a pledge, and not an opposing fan, that was a home game.

    13 years ago at 10:24 am
  7. BAKED since 1869

    Honestly, you can’t generalize using such extreme cases. You shouldn’t speculate and knock those who don’t defame their Constitution by not abusing their First Amendment right and effectively protest by neither looking nor sounding like morons.

    13 years ago at 10:07 pm