Mr. Rogers Spits Truth In Viral Video

There’s not much to be said about this video, other than it’s fucking incredible, so I’m going to tackle each one of Mr. Rogers’ thought provoking questions head-on…

Do you know what this is?

It’s a fucking tape recorder. Don’t treat me like a simple-minded child, Rogers.

Do you ever imagine things?

I’m imagining Kate Upton’s bouncing rack as we speak.

Are they scary things?

I guess they could be intimidating.

Do you ever imagine things, things you’d like to have?

Are you fucking with me, Rogers? I just said Kate Upton’s bouncing rack.

Did you ever see a cat’s eyes in the dark and wonder what they were?

Don’t get weird on me.

Did you ever pretend about things like that before?

Things like what? Dude you’re freaking me out.

Did you ever grow anything in the garden of your mind?

Look man, if you’re high just tell me. I’ll blaze that shit up with you.

Did you ever think of the many things you’ve learned to do?

Fuck this I’m out of here.

Follow me on Twitter @TFMintern and tweet questions at me for tomorrow’s “Ask The Intern” column.

    1. BossMan DubC

      I would venture to guess that he double downed on at least two. Trippy puppets, singing, and methodical dressing practices. On one hand you have a happy creative “imaginary” place, and on the other you have an Adderall-esk type of attention to detail in the real life. I would say both Shrooms and some type of Amphetamines. Both, very easily available his time and location.

      12 years ago at 6:04 am
    1. Tallapoosa Snu

      That was better than 90 percent of the music on the radio. He made that slide whistle his bitch.

      12 years ago at 12:57 pm
  1. Drop of Scotch

    Intern, this was pretty awful. I would put this under the try hard section of this website. I understand you have to put up new material for us to read, but we aren’t going anywhere, we will wait for quality stuff next time.

    12 years ago at 6:09 am
    1. This Too Shall Frat

      Perhaps I am misinformed but since when has Mr. Rogers been a liberal? The man is about as non-liberal as I can conceive

      12 years ago at 2:20 pm
    1. Bromo sapiens

      if your brain was any bigger than your thumbnail, Sarge, you’d realize that they had to auto-tune it to make it into a song since he wasn’t singing in the original footage. It would only be NF if he was trying to record a song in the first place.

      12 years ago at 6:18 pm