1. Fudge

    Solid color ties=NF. Tie not touching your belt buckle=NF. Having a gay ass wrist band=NF. Having a smile on your face like you have both just been railed in the ass=NF. Not wearing your college’s colors to their game=NF. I could go on and on.

    14 years ago at 3:33 pm
  2. JimmyBuffettfan

    Things missing in a true Fraternity man in this picture:
    1. Two good looking dates that will take care of them after the game
    2. School colors.
    3. The overall fraternity attitude we are born with. These guys just don’t got it.

    There is always chess club…

    14 years ago at 5:34 pm
  3. Bleed Orange Piss Green

    If you are pledges then where the hell is your blazer. If you aren’t then where the hell is your dignity.

    14 years ago at 8:52 pm
    1. Fratter Than YOU

      If they ARE pledges, why the fuck are they smiling?
      If they aren’t pledges, what the fuck do they have to smile about?

      14 years ago at 9:15 pm
  4. johnny rebel

    the guy on the left needs to pull up his pants. also, wearing logos with ties looks a little stupid. but maybe it was his only button-down and got it for a steal?????

    14 years ago at 9:16 pm
    1. Dixieland Fratting

      In many cases I would agree with you. Not everyone is like a GDI. There are good fraternities and lesser fraternities like every where else. There are some really fratty people here, as well as some posers and gdis. You can call me a gdi but anyone that does would just be ignorant. I frat because that is who I am, I do not try to frat nor did I change my style to become frat. I have dressed and acted the same way all of my life. MTSU may not be the most frat place in the world but it is still better than many of the schools that try to post on here, at least we are not yankees.

      14 years ago at 10:02 am
  5. On the Rocks

    God I hate this picture on so many different levels. The overall strength and athleticism in this picture makes Justin Beiber look like Lebron James.

    14 years ago at 10:47 pm
  6. Roberston Howard

    You guys would literally get the shit kicked out of you by real frat guys.

    14 years ago at 8:40 am
  7. Frat like me

    It would take a 4ft line of blow and two of the finest strippers you have ever seen just for these cats to register a 1 on the fratscale

    14 years ago at 10:16 am