1. onlysouthern

    Lilly, quit commenting you’re making the rest of the high quality southern ladies on this site look bad. You have the worst name on TFM. Yes, you may love Lilly but no respectable sorority lady would put something as awful as that GDI smiley face after their name. Keep trying.

    14 years ago at 8:27 am
  2. Hazemaster

    I mean come on gentlemen what do you expect from someone who actually brags about wearing jorts to anything other than a white trash party? NF

    14 years ago at 11:19 am
  3. Don Draper

    How is every picture NF? Literally everyone gets bitched at for not being “fratty.” fratty and well dressed rarely go together. Fratty- baggy polos and BB dress shirts, wide prep ties and pleated khakis. Well dresses- impecably tailored suit and custom shirts no baggy VInes shirts in sight. Think mr. Bond in casino royale. Most people on this site are very fratty. Few are well dressed

    14 years ago at 4:04 pm
    1. NevEr sober

      In a way you’re right, but true fratty gentlemen actually get their Brooks Brothers, etc,tailored instead of off the rack. So don’t include all of us by saying we all wear baggy clothing and pleated pants.

      Also these guys look like they are on the cocaine diet, or at least I hope that’s their excuse for their size.

      14 years ago at 1:30 pm
  4. daddy'smoney

    If you were really respectable gentlemen, you would not stoop so low as to bash someone that is “so beneath you.” These men are truly remarkable. Sorry you all have to spend your time being jealous.

    14 years ago at 3:00 pm
  5. German assholes

    No one knows what fraternity allowed these pledges to post pictures. lucky for them they weren’t wearing letters otherwise they would simply be balled. MTSU would have rather you not showed up because obviously your bad luck as a frat daddy carried on to our boys on the field. next time, keep your ass away from the grove and dont soil the greek presence with your wanna be bullshit.

    14 years ago at 12:41 am
  6. The Grizz

    Sigma Pi=NF.

    those tool bags are probably the most frat in their whole chapter. what a joke. Sigma Pi? more like Sigma Try.

    IN HOC

    14 years ago at 12:58 pm
  7. LSD420

    Wow…you guys are the biggest group of dumb asses I think i have ever seen…I didn’t think Frats could get any gayer but then i saw this sight..hahaha you all have made me laugh. People really take this shit seriously? I don’t think anyone should have to conform to a lame ass dress code and act like a complete douche bag for god knows what reason. Im surprised girls are dumb enough to be with a fucking meat head in a frat.Every person i have ever met in a frat has turned out to be complete and utter tool. On the contrary, i can’t say all people in frats are like this because im sure there are some that actually treat it with respect. Why do you continue to make fools of yourselves? The meaning of Frat has changed..

    Although it pretty funny when your stoned to read this shit.

    14 years ago at 11:28 pm