My Freaky Night With Tori
I pulled up to the front of the sorority house and waited for Tori, my date for the evening. We had never met, but I was optimistic after her girlfriend who set us up showed me Tori’s Instagram pictures and told me about her love of South Park, her hatred of singing shows, and her past as a high school dance team captain. My phone buzzed.
“Be right out wefhbqwu”
The random string of letters must have meant she was excited.
When meeting a girl in person for the first time, a brief moment of anxiety always sets in right before face-to-face interaction. Sure, she looked great online, but filters and strategic camera angles can be deceiving. What if she was hiding something via the veil of social media — like a lazy eye, or a weird facial mole, or an absorbed fetal twin fused to the back of her head that shouts racial slurs at passersby? Then, the bright red doors of the sorority house swung open.
My worries dissolved instantaneously. Standing in the doorway atop a cascade of white stairs, she looked like a goddess descending from the heavens. She closed the door behind her, shouted, “FUCKERS!” and made her way to the car. I was puzzled by the sudden outburst.
“Is everything alright?” I said.
“Of course. Why do you ask?”
“Oh…no reason.”
I held open the car door for her and inspected the back of her head as she climbed inside. Nothing but hair. Check.
I struck up conversation as I pulled away from the sorority house and headed for the sushi restaurant. She told me she majored in pre-med because of her love of helping others, but she soon discovered she lacked the steady hands required of an employee in the field, and made the switch to psychology. Then, I decided to show off my sophisticated and expansive musical taste.
“Hey, have you ever heard of Chumbawumba?” I asked.
I was unfamiliar with the Pig Fuckers, but they sounded pretty hardcore, so I threw on my heaviest Metallica. She seemed to dig it, because she started thrashing her head so violently, it looked almost involuntary.
We arrived at the restaurant and took our seats. She reached across the table, rustled my hair, and said she liked how fuzzy it was. I continued to pick her brain.
“So you like the Pig Fuckers, but what’s your favorite band?”
“What what what what.”
“I love Macklemore, too! If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?”
I laughed. This girl had a random yet brilliant sense of humor. I never had a first date where the back-and-forth flowed so smoothly. We talked for a while about her friends and family. I gathered she had some sort of falling out with her father, who she referred to as a “bowl of ass.” I continued to keep the discussion focused on her.
“What’s your favorite holiday?”
“Bitch faggot.”
“You’re right, that was a lame question.”
We had reached the first hiccup of the night. Luckily, the food had arrived just in time to take her attention away from my conversational misstep. She seemed to be enjoying her plate of California rolls until the waitress checked up on us a few minutes later.
“How is the food tonight?”
“FUCKING SHIT,” Tori exclaimed.
I looked sternly at the waitress.
“You heard her. Get her some rainbow rolls instead.”
I was startled by Tori’s forcefulness, and also extremely turned on. There’s something undeniably sexy about a woman who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is.
“You’ve been so sweet to me all night,” Tori said, her cheeks blushing.
Next thing I know, dinner is finished, and we’re making out in my car outside the restaurant. She asked if we could go back to my place. I was about it. She was so eager to get there, she said, “Go go go go go go go go” sporadically throughout the drive.
We reached my room and I laid her down on the bed. Then, we commenced the freakiest, dirtiest sex of my life. I was on top, delivering my signature short, but powerful, thrusts. I asked if she liked it. She backhanded me across the face and shouted, “MEXICO!”
I put her on all fours and started taking her from behind. I pulled her hair and smacked her ass. She called me a “Retard Bucket.”
Then, she pushed me flat on my back and climbed on top. She was riding me, when suddenly every muscle in her body clenched up. But this was no orgasm. This was something different entirely. Her vagina clamped around me with a pressure so violent, it felt as though a third hand hidden inside her uterus had reached down and grabbed me by the shaft. I moaned in ecstasy. Seeing the deed was done, she collapsed on the bed next to me, both of us breathing like dogs locked in a hot car.
“That was incredible,” I said.
“Shit Butler.”
The next day, I saw my fraternity brother on campus. I had to tell someone all about my life changing night with Tori. I ran up to him and spilled the details.
“Dude, that’s fucking insane,” he said. “What’s her name?”
“Tori. She’s in Chi-O.”
“Tori…like, Tourette’s Tori?”
“Ya know, I didn’t catch her last name. But that’s pretty. What is it, French?”.
Image via Shutterstock
That was pretty fucking stupid, but I still laughed several times. Push.
10 years ago at 3:07 pmYou would ctfu at what BBC bulls do to you rmother then
10 years ago at 3:53 pmJust leave. Leave and never come back
10 years ago at 4:04 pmWhat the fuck is KA guy talking about?
10 years ago at 4:07 pmThe fact that monogamy is out and my big black wang giving your loved ones a BBC cream pie is the future
10 years ago at 4:50 pmHe is Kappa Alpha Psi guy, this person is NOT a member of the Order. Oh, and he is a fucking jackoff.
10 years ago at 5:36 amOf course he’s not in KA… He’s black
10 years ago at 10:10 amI so didn’t want to laugh when I read that.
10 years ago at 12:27 pmLet me remind you that most white women dont wanna fuck black guys. And its a fact that STD rates, crime, abortion, etc are higher with blacks compared to other races. So its YOU that needs to check your priviledge
10 years ago at 4:50 pmYou know what they say, once you go black you become a single mom.
10 years ago at 9:41 pmYou burn the coal, you pay the toll. Once white women go black, white men dont want them back
10 years ago at 12:53 amI’m not going to argue with you or anything, but you wonder why the Republicans wont win any elections. You’re the reason. If you really love your party express it in a neutral way
10 years ago at 2:02 pmWhat the fuck are you babbling about?
10 years ago at 5:18 pmI don’t know if ctfu is a hood rat thing or a chick thing, either way fuck you for using acronyms I don’t know.
10 years ago at 4:56 pmObvious. Illiterate troll is obvious.
10 years ago at 5:23 pmShut up moon cricket
10 years ago at 9:48 pmActually jam face would have been a better insult
10 years ago at 12:52 amBro please shut the fuck up you’re all over TFM making us blacks look bad…
10 years ago at 11:42 pmIm pretty sure the percentage of blacks that browse TFM is so small youd need a jeweler’s eyepiece to find it in a pie chart. This dumb race baiting niger knew exactly what he was doing, and the spade got called out for being a spade.
10 years ago at 1:55 amThat was retarded. Turn in your wings.
10 years ago at 5:31 amNah. I dont wanna
10 years ago at 5:18 pmThere is obviously a reason you have been blackballed. bish swerve.
10 years ago at 3:02 amSomeone has to do it. #BlackballSteveHolt
10 years ago at 5:25 pmthats great
10 years ago at 7:15 amFor whatever reason, I found this story thoroughly entertaining. Well done.
10 years ago at 3:07 pmWonders why chicks wont sleep with him; gets laid once and tells the world about it
10 years ago at 2:28 pmPlease no. Take your morals elsewhere.
10 years ago at 3:04 amYou should have Bacon teach you how to write funny, sexual narratives cause this sucked.
10 years ago at 3:08 pmOne of the funniest things I’ve read in a while. Keep up the good work dude
10 years ago at 3:09 pmSure it’s cute for a girl with Tourette’s to yell obscenities at a waitress but if a fraternity member with Tourette’s yelled at a waitress CNN would have a field day.
10 years ago at 3:10 pm#Fratlivesmatter
10 years ago at 3:41 pmYet if a fraternity member unknowingly yelled back at a girl with Tourette’s we all know where the hate would be directed
10 years ago at 3:47 pmthats great
10 years ago at 7:16 am#blackballsteveholt
10 years ago at 3:10 pmThere’s a time and place for that buddy don’t abuse it
10 years ago at 3:14 pmGetting head from Tori might not be worth the risk.
10 years ago at 3:18 pmSo moral of the story; chicks with tourettes are great slams. Duly noted, Boosh.
10 years ago at 3:22 pmYou’re a virgin.
10 years ago at 3:22 pmI’m strangely aroused my this Tori
10 years ago at 3:30 pm