Natalie Portman Looking SO Fine at the Texas-Baylor Game

Natalie Portman and few other well-known actors are currently in Austin filming a movie, per my movie buff colleague Bacon. Saturday she dropped into Darrell K. Royal Texas Memorial Stadium to catch a defenseless football performance and, according to rumor, do some filming for her upcoming movie.

Portman has always had that classic beauty thing going on, which is a rare and highly underrated attribute. I’ve been a fan of hers for awhile now, and it has little to do with her acting talent. But am I wrong in saying Saturday night at the Texas-Baylor football game is the best she has ever looked? I mean she looks incredible. Plus, she is straight packing heat under that leather jacket. Child birth has been good to her (and us).

So fine. So damn fine. Now, either Portman is acting in the above .gif, or she was stoned out of her gourd. She looks totally disoriented.

And holy shit get a load of that FUPA just over Portman’s shoulder. That biggin’ may have been fully aroused at the time with the lovely Natalie Portman just feet away, but with that impressive slab of beef hanging over his crotch, we won’t ever know. It could just be swallowed up under there.


  1. PTBAP

    1) I imagine he was practicing his thrusting for later with that railing
    2) She looks like she’s coked out of her mind and has no idea what she’s doing there in the second part of that

    12 years ago at 11:08 am
  2. VelociFratter

    I’d shove a whole pack of skittles in her butt, then stand 10 feet away while she flips her legs over her head, and mud squirts them across the room, and into my open mouth.

    12 years ago at 11:10 am
    1. southerncostas

      You could make a fortune writing romantic novels. Speaking of which; INTERN, WHERE IS THE FRAT ROMANCE NOVEL PART VII!!!! I CAN’T MASTURBATE TO PORN ANYMORE. I NEED THIS

      12 years ago at 6:30 pm
  3. Downwind

    I’d spend an hour in a phone booth with a wild cougar for a chance to suck the milk out of those post-pregnancy cannons.

    12 years ago at 11:15 am
  4. sinatrastar

    Where did those chest cannons come from? I always thought they were nice, but small. I really like the direction shes going with.

    12 years ago at 11:16 am