NBA Player Bringing Back The Classic Nuthuggers That John Stockton Wore

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In an era where basketball shorts are becoming borderline capris, one NBA player looks to bravely stand alone and reverse that trend. Newly signed Los Angeles Clipper Chris Douglas-Roberts alerted the media that he will not only sport the number 14, but that he will also revert back to the short shorts of his childhood idols.

Just imagine the 6-foot-7 Douglas-Roberts flying through the air and jamming down a Chris Paul pass in the basketball equivalent of Chubbies. Even better, picture him posterizing some chump with those shorts all up in the dude’s face. #KnobCity

With 210 NBA games already in his pocket, Douglas-Roberts’s career stat line looks much like a hand job from an ex-girlfriend: pretty subpar for the amount of time given.

From ESPN:

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Whether it rejuvenates his career or not, let’s hope this picks up steam and more players go with the retro look. Actually, let’s have the NBA revert back to everything the league was in the late ’80s and early ’90s: classic shorts, elbows to the dome if you dare drive down the lane, and Larry Legend. Those were the days.

  1. jonstan

    Not even being alive but referring to the late 80s saying “those were the days” TFM

    10 years ago at 4:33 pm
  2. Fratasaurus

    I’ve never understood the moon crickets’ fascination with knee-slapping “shorts”. It seems like their movements would be more hindered.

    10 years ago at 4:55 pm
    1. mikehoncho13

      Oh look, racism on TFM. Thanks for perpetuating the stereotype, man. Fraternities will never earn the respect they deserve until we stop being casual dickheads.

      10 years ago at 5:07 pm
      1. Fratasaurus

        Maybe you shouldn’t have pledged a bottom-tier fraternity if you wanted respect.

        10 years ago at 6:24 pm
    2. ProudPhi2042

      Moon crickets, haven’t heard that one before actually, thanks for the laugh and expanded vocabulary.

      10 years ago at 5:42 pm
      1. Fratasaurus

        I actually learned about the word from watching Ellen Degeneres. I would actually say about half of all I know I have learned from watching that show. Its a TFM.

        10 years ago at 6:23 pm