Sometimes you just have to punch a hole through the door...Honor your wild.

  1. TN1868

    Yeah, that isn’t what the company is about. Pretty stupid to post this if you’re a rep.

    14 years ago at 11:37 am
  2. DTD1858isforfags

    Actually boys, this picture is exactly what the company is about fellas. Honoring Your Wild; Carpe Diem. Too bad you boys didn’t have to pledge a real fraternity and are too big ‘o pussies to have done it yourself. Kudos, Frattin ain’t easy.

    14 years ago at 12:16 pm
    1. HotDeuces

      How would you justify calling him gay? I’m fairly certain your sexual instability and constant rejection by women has caused you to consider being gay yourself, and you pad your own less than impressive masculinity by calling people gay on the internet. NF.

      14 years ago at 5:24 pm
    2. SydneyRoberts1893

      I’m a rep as well, and with all due respect I’d like to say that no matter what we want our company to be about, the customers make it what it is. If this is honoring your wild to some (myself included, I think this is awesome) then so be it. If you disagree, go and define it for yourself, rather than doling out insults on a website.

      14 years ago at 6:43 pm
    1. Keynes is a GDI

      Aaron is always doing shit like that!!!! That crazy motherfucker!!! Good ol’ Aaron

      14 years ago at 2:52 pm
    2. HotDeuces

      Nah Colton got to it first? Then everyone else decided fuck it lets tear the thing apart.

      14 years ago at 4:19 pm