Need A Drone? USF’s Library Has You Covered

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Drones seem to be everywhere these days. Patrolling our skies, killing terrorists, taking photos of girls sunbathing topless by the pool, delivering packages–the list goes on and on. Now, thanks to the University of South Florida’s library system, students have access to an array of the robotic utility bots for school projects. Students must be trained in order to use one and a member of the faculty must supervise the drone use, but otherwise, they can use them for whatever they need. I imagine this is not nearly as cool as just checking one out and taking it for an unsupervised spin around Tampa. The whole $1,500 liability issue is kind of a downer, too. How are you supposed to set up the drone to bring you beers or hunt down wayward pledges without putting it at some level of physical risk?

With this development, one has to wonder if an update of “Animal House” would include the weed-smoking professor and Bluto spying on the girls’ sorority houses using an unmanned UAV instead of a fortuitously placed ladder in the backyard. In any case, having access to school-owned drones for projects is a really cool development for the students at USF. They get all the cool shit down there in Florida. Hot women, beaches, and now unmanned drones? Clearly I went to the wrong school.

[via WTSP]

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  1. FrozenFrat

    “Unmanned UAV” – saying unmanned unmanned aerial vehicle is pretty redundant. You’re better than that, come on TFM. People pay you to write this?

    10 years ago at 12:15 pm