ASULegend How many of these shitty IM basketball post need to be made until it’s milked dry 10 years ago at 10:15 pm
The Human Power Move we get it, subpar defense, 3 pointers, and lack of athleticism. way to beat a joke into the ground 10 years ago at 12:55 am
GeorgeBushsSocks This was posted almost word for word less than three months ago. 10 years ago at 11:35 pm
How many of these shitty IM basketball post need to be made until it’s milked dry
10 years ago at 10:15 pmwe get it, subpar defense, 3 pointers, and lack of athleticism. way to beat a joke into the ground
10 years ago at 12:55 amThis was posted almost word for word less than three months ago.
10 years ago at 11:35 pmYeah he socks so much dude like woah
10 years ago at 4:03 pmI hate both of you so much
10 years ago at 8:07 amthanks?
10 years ago at 5:35 pm