New Al-Qaeda Group Off To A Rough Start, Mistakes Pakistani Frigate For American Aircraft Carrier In Botched Attack

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The past few months have provided the world with some of the most gruesome headlines I have ever read. Whether it’s ISIS, Syria, Libya, or just some random idiot thousands of miles away, there is some frightening shit going on. As our news cycles are overwhelmed by horror stories regarding these extremist groups, it’s refreshing to read a story that reminds us of the true nature and intelligence of these common enemies. While horrifyingly graphic, these guys may make up the one group on Earth that can make a pledge appear to have an iota of a brain cell.

Al-Qaeda recently launched a new branch in India, and shit started rolling downhill almost immediately. The group’s first mission was to attack a United States aircraft carrier; however, a bunch of Pakistani sailors put an end to that. The Pakistanis weren’t guarding our vessel or providing any sort of security for the United States, though. Instead, the terrorists were too damn stupid to distinguish between a Pakistani naval frigate and a United States aircraft carrier.

From NY Daily News:

“They did not do any kind of damage, some were captured and we caught more, seven so far, and may be more to come. They were well-equipped and came with there intention of taking a ship into their custody but they were caught in the initial stages.”

The Pakistanis managed to kill three morons and arrest seven others.

For anyone terrified of these groups, take a deep breath–those guys aren’t all there. They believed they could actually capture one of the most powerful ships in the world, after all.

[via NY Daily News]

Image via Wikimedia

  1. PrezMorningWood

    Should have killed them all. They’ll never overtake an American Aircraft Carrier. NEVER.
    Let alone an American sailboat.

    10 years ago at 4:37 pm
  2. Teddy Fucking Roosevelt

    `At what point did the terrorists look at the frigate, and think “oh yes that can definitely launch fighter jets despite having no runway and being three times smaller and isn’t flying an American flag oh well ALLAHU AHKBAR”?

    10 years ago at 4:52 pm
    1. LegendofChestyPuller

      10 fighters up against a whole United States aircraft carrier at that.

      10 years ago at 5:38 pm
  3. Badigeons

    They’re lucky it wasn’t a US Aircraft Carrier. I’m sure a carrier full of bored Navy sailors with a deep-rooted hatred of Al-Qaeda would love an opportunity to pecker-slap these idiots.

    10 years ago at 4:52 pm
    1. Forever Unclean

      International waters provides more access to “enhanced interrogation” techniques.

      10 years ago at 6:08 pm
      1. zpaulos36

        It was in international waters, so they couldn’t prosecute him. But I saw it.

        10 years ago at 2:35 am
  4. Lord Frattenstein

    How in the fuck did these ten fuckers think they could capture a navy ship with over 5000 men and accompanying armorment, not to even speak of the other ships in the carrier group?

    10 years ago at 5:28 pm
  5. FraststarRockstar

    We should commission a couple of graduated pledge masters to deal with these captured terrorists, and send videos to their retarded leaders.

    10 years ago at 5:30 pm