New App Allows You To Anonymously Send Dick Pics To Doctors For STD Diagnosis

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So, you fucked up. You didn’t wrap it before you tapped it. It really doesn’t matter if you were too blackout to function or that you were just happy to get it up in the first place, you messed up and now there is no telling what type of fungus got on your clam shucker. After you get over the initial feeling of regret, you need to get it checked out. Thankfully, you no longer need to visit a doctor to discover what the rando left you dealing with.

A new iPhone app allows you to send in pictures of your dick to a doctor for diagnosis without ever leaving your bed. For $40, a dermatologist will send you the results of their analysis within 24 hours.

From BetaBeat:

The diagnosis costs $40, but cutting out the awkwardness of a doctor’s visit is most likely worth it. Additionally, 70 percent of the cases can be treated with over-the-counter medications, so chances are you won’t have to step foot in a doctor’s office at all, according to their site.

As an added bonus, everything is confidential. Throughout the entire process, you are nothing more than a dick pic and $40. While that may sound demeaning, it’s the exact situation many of you have probably dreamed about. No one is judging your shitty hookups and you don’t have to explain jack shit. It’s revolutionary.

While the app isn’t specifically designed for STD diagnosis, it unsurprisingly makes up the majority of its business.

Despite the fact that the app has expanded to detect other skin ailments, 70 percent of the photos First Derm receives are “below the waist,” according to Techcrunch.

Go get yourself checked, boys. And next time, put a poncho on your pecker.

[via BetaBeat]

Image via First Derm

  1. Pigbenis523

    1. Download burner
    2. Take picture of dick
    3. Send to doctor. Repeatedly if needed
    4. Spend $40 on condoms/whiskey

    10 years ago at 3:34 pm
      1. NickleD

        There is no way this is actually possible. There are laws prohibiting such actions.

        UNC school of medicine at Chaple Hill 2018

        10 years ago at 2:05 pm
      2. BoatsAndBooze

        Uh oh guys, UNC’s here flipping through his first-year textbook. Learn to spell your own fucking town correctly, please.

        10 years ago at 6:03 pm
  2. J_Brum

    “Dermatologists.” AKA Dorno set up an app where he gets paid $40 a pop to stare at dude’s junk all day. Win-win for him.

    10 years ago at 3:50 pm
  3. PlasticHandle

    Great, so those GDIs whose Obamacare hasn’t kicked in yet can get tested for STDs….

    10 years ago at 1:42 pm