New Techniques For Shotgunning Your Beer, Animal Style
Shotgunning is great and all, but everyone is always looking for the next big way to drink beer or get shithoused beyond all belief. Going back to your animal instincts may provide some insight on the most exciting ways to consume alcohol yet.
Imagine yourself at a party being casual, then you bull a beer open on your forehead. People are going to know you are there to party. Plus, no one is going to attempt to fight the guy who is death rolling (see below) a beer on the floor. For all you high school fratstars out there, performing any one of these methods at a rush event will surely impress the actives and you’ll get an instant bid. I highly recommend doing this.
Remember these are mainly meant to be done with a beer can, but gorilla-ing (see below) a glass bottle also shows that you like to drink and mean business.
Bull (Bulling) – Smash the can into your forehead until it bursts, then chug from the top.
Vulture – Wait until your beer skunks, then drink it.
Snake – Squeeze the beer between your legs or bicep until it bursts open, then chug.
Wolf (Teen Wolfing) – Shake up the can and bite into it, then chug.
Elephant – Dump a beer directly into your nose or funnel it in.
Squirrel – Hide your beer in a secret place for the winter, then drink it 5 months later.
Hummingbird – Have someone hold your beer while you chug and flap your arms as fast as you can.
Whale – Swallow the entire beer can whole.
Alligator (Death Rolling) – Laying on the ground, bite into a beer while rolling and start chugging.
Golden Bald Eagle – Sprint to your roof and violently throw your beer down until it blows up, then chug the remains.
Sea Otter – While lying on your back use only a rock to break open your beer, then chug.
Eel – Attach a car battery to your beer can, then proceed to wear rubber gloves and chug your beer.
Mockingbird – Every time someone else in the room drinks you drink too and whistle afterwards.
Donkey – Donkey kick your beer across the room until it opens, then chug.
Gorilla – With closed fists, smash your beer until it opens, then chug.
Bear – Have someone throw you a beer from a body of water. After swatting it to the ground as hard as possible, let out a roar, then chug.
Swordfish – Cut your beer in half with one swing of a Samurai sword. Gulp down the remains.
Woodpecker – With a beer sitting on the table smash your nose into it until it breaks open, then chug.
Please submit picture and video evidence of you trying each of these new methods to drink beer.
Does it make it FAF if I dress up in animal costumes and do this?
12 years ago at 3:49 pmIf you try any of these you WILL end up like his username… Serial Killer.
12 years ago at 3:53 pmThe Bear was pretty solid. I’ll give you credit for that one.
12 years ago at 3:58 pmThanks for the new material for our pledge board!
12 years ago at 4:23 pmThis was fucking hilarious. Anyone who took this as a serious suggestion of how to shotgun is dumber than Aaron Hernandez.
12 years ago at 4:43 pmNo shit, Sherlock.
12 years ago at 5:16 pmThis is obviously satirical and pretty funny. I think come Fall I’ll find myself a mockingbird pledge.
12 years ago at 4:48 pmSquirrel made me laugh.
12 years ago at 5:01 pmNews update: Several university students were electrocuted earlier today after attempting a drinking game that involved a car battery and can of natural light. The students reportedly got the idea from a college humor website called Total Frat Move. One survivor, when asked why he would do something so stupid, replied, “Because I wanted to be Fratty as Fuck, and regular shotgunning is for NF GDI pussy creep fucks.” No TFM spokesperson was made available for comment.
12 years ago at 5:15 pmTFM spokesmen ruger_dern has issued a statement*
12 years ago at 8:18 amThe try hard: do anything on this list
12 years ago at 5:21 pmYou’re not too keen on sarcasm, are you?
12 years ago at 7:44 pmAll of these are just a fucking waste of beer. Any person who can “squirrel” and wait 5 months to drink a beer isn’t frat. The only time I wait to drink a beer is when it hasn’t been finished being brewed yet.
12 years ago at 5:30 pmThis guy must be in a frat.
12 years ago at 5:53 pm