Cleveland Indians Fan Wearing Cargos Takes Baseball Facial While Jumping In Front Of Others

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I’m a big believer in karma. What goes around, comes around kind of stuff.

There was a great example of it last night when the Cleveland Indians took on the Detroit Tigers in nationally televised primetime baseball on ESPN.

In between innings and after warming up, Indians shortstop Asdrubal Cabrera launched a ball into the outfield stands at Progressive Field. Looking incredibly eager to get his hands on a piece of Indians history, a fan jumped up and ran across his row (in front of at least five other spectators like a total asshole), and put his hands up to catch the ball.

It drilled him square in the schnoz, deservedly.

That’s the kind of karma that happens when you wear cargo shorts and act like an idiot. Apparently, he didn’t even get the ball. Good.

Hey, maybe he should do this every game. I mean, if karma was in full swing, technically he did take one for his team, and the Indians went on to win in spectacular walk-off fashion in the 10th on Michael Brantley’s first career walk-off home run, so something has to be going on, right?

He’ll be an All-Star on ESPN in no time if he can do this on the regular and propel the Tribe to a winning streak they so dearly need–they’re 9.5 games back in the AL Central.

[via Instagram]

    1. Fratastic_Mr_Fox

      New report: School has only been out for a couple of weeks and grammar/word-choice competency has already regressed to an all-time low.

      10 years ago at 11:22 am
      1. OnceAPikeAlwaysAPike

        He’s talking about the blonde he was next to before he started going for the ball

        10 years ago at 11:46 am
  1. FrattyTrappings

    I thought wearing cargo shorts indicates practice at catching balls around the face?

    10 years ago at 11:12 am
  2. TheBrewsBrothers

    You would think the kid had a glove or something stashed away in those cargos somewhere.

    10 years ago at 11:34 am
    1. FUBAR1776

      The only thing he keeps in those shorts now are broken childhood dreams and breath-right strips.

      10 years ago at 4:09 pm