Newt Gingrich to Occupiers: Bathe and Get a Job


    I have loved Newt from the beginning, he is legit. Gives straight-forward, non-politically correct answers. Gingrich/Cain 2012 is the way to the White House.

    13 years ago at 5:54 pm
    1. Beer Quisque Beer

      You forgot to mention that while he always gives factually correct statements he uses them in a blatantly manipulative manner that would make Faux News or the Communist News Network proud.

      13 years ago at 6:53 pm
  2. Majestic Bald Eagle

    It’s pretty sad when our goverment supports a third world country when they protest. But when we Americans do it it’s considered to be unpatriotic. When especially part of what our great American troops fight and die for is to protect our freedoms in this great Country. So we can have those privileges. Also I can’t understand why the tea party and the 99% can’t put their differences aside for a little while? Their both against big government.

    13 years ago at 6:35 pm
    1. Cupid

      They are protesting a false claim. So fuck em. They are not the 99% who they claim to be. They are the .99% of the 99% whom are lazy dumbasses that expect handouts. They are smelly hippies and that is why it’s unpatriotic. Also take note of what these people look like. Definitely weirdos.

      13 years ago at 6:57 pm
    2. legalizehazing

      It’s because we expect more from our citizens. In America you’re expected to be productive. For example OWS’s been going on for over two months, 65 days to be exact. With 100 people in Zuccotti Park 24 hours a day for 65 days they could have instead been working minimum wage and made pretax $ 1,131,000. That could have made an impact. That could have done something besides cost local business hundreds of thousands of dollars, cost the city millions, and had no tangible results. If you’re American at least do it right.
      I’d respect protestors if they instead worked 24/7 to raise money for an interest group. But they, unlike our PATRIOTIC founders, they won’t sacrifice anything.

      13 years ago at 7:17 pm
    3. The protestant work ethic is what drives this country, if you don’t know what it is look it up. The protestant work ethic in short states, the harder you work, the better quality of life you will have. Explains why those morons are in tents on public land. The harder you work the more successful you will be in life

      13 years ago at 9:30 pm
  3. Cole Haans and Natty

    As my Grandfather says about the Occupiers… Pepper spray is a beautiful thing.

    13 years ago at 6:45 pm
    1. Brolonzo Jackson

      Your Grandfather (you forgot an n sweetheart, I hope it was just because cake batter was on the finger) thinks pikes are a beautiful thing? And back to the kitchen you go.

      13 years ago at 6:52 pm
    2. Gov_Lester Maddox

      ^Ill take a club on white, lettuce, onion, mayo, mustard. easy on the fucking mustard.

      13 years ago at 11:54 am
  4. Aristocratic man

    This was fucking sweet and if anyone else says anything else is not awesome

    13 years ago at 8:19 pm
    1. sexyhj

      ya, exactly. if he thinks the left holds any solutions to the economy he is the one ignorant beyond belief

      13 years ago at 12:08 am
    2. scbro91

      That’s funny because last time I checked the market creates DEMAND and demand creates SUPPLY. SUPPLY does not create DEMAND.

      13 years ago at 12:53 pm
    3. sexyhj

      O fucking really? You are all kinds of stupid. scbro91 it’s not one or the other. Sure the government can create demand and there is a place for that. But a general rule is, government based demand is artificial and inefficient. FACT. Things like high tuition rates are one of many examples of this. If you want to continue distorting the markets and blowing up the deficit and debt then move to Greece. If you’re about to argue that reducing the barriers to do business won’t encourage more business you must never have handled capital of any kind. Having high barriers to business and relying on the government to create demand is like sucking the oxygen out of a room and planting trees expecting jobs to just blossom. I think there’s a word for that. . . socialism and economic decay… where Democrats are taking us closer and closer every year.

      13 years ago at 2:18 pm
    4. sexyhj

      In fact do you want another example of artificial demand blowing up . . . fanny and freddy. Don’t blame the banks that were looking for some ungodly way to make money. Blame the ones blowing the market full of artificial demand. stupid.
      I really don’t want to be that guy. . . but screw it I will be. Home boy Milton’s been talking about the problems our gov’t has been shitting its pants over for decades. Say what you will about the man and his arguments but he’s a fucking shot caller.

      13 years ago at 2:33 pm
    5. scbro91

      I stopped reading here “Having high barriers to business and relying on the government to create demand is like sucking the oxygen out of a room and planting trees expecting jobs to just blossom. ”

      Trees require carbon dioxide to grow dumbass. Anyone who doesn’t understand basic science sure as hell can not tell me how economics works.

      Also, there aren’t really barriers to business in the United States, we are one of the most business friendly countries in the world. Also, define “artificial demand” because by your logic all demand is artificial. How is government demand artificial exactly? What exactly is the government artificially demanding?

      13 years ago at 3:20 pm
    6. sexyhj

      Really basic science. . .is carbon dioxide all that they require or are there two processes?! Fucking quibble. I was saying high barriers to business are apart of economic decay not the US of A. That we were being lead down that path by Democrats…. Maybe you should have read it.
      At this point, SHUT UP! Shut Up! You’ve embarrassed yourself enough.

      13 years ago at 5:18 pm
    7. sexyhj

      If you want to try and understand the points I was making follow the link. I don’t talk to ignorant geeds.

      13 years ago at 5:22 pm
    8. scbro91

      Well, yes, Carbon Dioxide and sunlight produces oxygen. Maybe you should go back to college for another 7 years.

      I don’t think you actually know anything about the democratic party, all you have ever heard is people scream COMMUNISM.

      13 years ago at 10:30 pm
  5. Frat Weekly

    Occupiers=21st century hippies
    They are using various products and wearing various articles of clothing that are produced by the “evil” corporations. And using said products to protest against them, some of the cities that have been “occupied” have the right idea, such as Oakland and Pensacola. Oakland is giving zero fucks about the hipsters, and Pensacola is limiting their hours to protest from dawn to dusk.

    13 years ago at 8:53 am