Like most people here I'll be following the career path of my father, but instead of a law firm I'll be jumping out of C-130's with my fellow Rangers. TFM.

  1. kvpolo

    My dad was a Ranger before he went SF. I was born at Ft. Benning where he was an instructor at jump school, I’ll be doing the same thing. God bless.

    13 years ago at 4:36 pm
  2. Stetson_and_Spurs

    If you ain’t Cav….

    Seriously, greatest respect to you FirstFratter and all our fellow servicemen on this site.

    13 years ago at 4:59 pm
    1. Frataholic

      Being RQ, I would give the guy some advice:

      Quit saying you are GOING to do shit. Get the shit done, walk with some well EARNED swagger, and don’t brag about it.

      You’re like the kid on the first day of rush saying he’s going to be the best pledge ever and wants to be hazed. You’re full of shit and have no idea.

      I actively avoid telling people what I do in the Army. They get fixated on that instead of me. I’ll take the respect my peers choose to have for me. No one else knows what they’re talking about.

      You can pick up the hardware at the PX for like $5. If you actually had it, you’d be at the bar telling chicks you’re a truck driver or whatever made up outlandishly unimpressive bullshit story you come up with on the fly. And they’ll still walk out with you cause the real you shows through.

      13 years ago at 6:39 pm
    2. Lieutenant Frat

      Frataholic was on a roll and then he started talking about truck drivers shopping at the PX and totally lost me.

      13 years ago at 9:47 pm
    3. Frataholic

      Sorry. Walk in a bar with 30 pilots and it’s suddenly unimpressive. We make a game out of making up the most absurd shit. Girls see the underlying confidence/swagger. It’s funny as shit.

      Don’t do shit for badges/tabs/awards. None of that shit means anything. There is nothing you can do in a couple months that makes you a lifelong bad ass. Go to schools to actually learn stuff you need to know to keep your troops alive.

      13 years ago at 12:04 pm
    4. Reagan22

      I agree with Frataholic as I said above, Do it and then you can talk about it.. Strong will carry on, weak will fall by the wayside

      13 years ago at 12:34 pm
    5. Douglas Neidermeyer

      Listen to him, he knows what he’s talking about… There is a reason you’ll never walk into a bar and see a ranger (or seal, etc) bragging about all the shit they’ve accomplished, it’s the ones who have accomplished nothing who try and make up for it with bullshit… IF, and a huge if, you have what it takes to make it through ranger school, I guaran fucking tee you will not come on this site and talk about what a bad ass you are…

      13 years ago at 6:33 pm
  3. WKU1855

    First off, don’t count your chickens before they hatch….you aint a Ranger yet. Second, aspire to jump out of something a little better than a C-130…C-17, Sherpa, UH-60, anything is better than a C-130.

    13 years ago at 6:06 pm
    1. MaximusFratimus 1858

      Agreed…I’ll take a Case or Sherpa ramp jump over a door jump any day.

      13 years ago at 6:32 pm
  4. Fratman and Robin

    Hows about you do basic, AIT (Perhaps OCS in between), Airborne and Air Assault first. Then worry about ranger school.

    13 years ago at 6:55 pm
  5. PurdueSig

    Being a soldier NF. Your just a pawn to fulfill the 1% goals with the bullshit excuse that your serving your country. Stick to the law firm, squeeze our way into the government and send troops to war to make yourself richer. FaF

    13 years ago at 7:29 am