North Koreans Are Turning On Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un So That Can Only Mean One Thing

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People are going to die. That isn’t a metaphor. I mean that people very literally have to die now.

From The Guardian:

North Korea’s elite are outwardly expressing their discontent towards Kim Jong-un and his government as more outside information trickles into the isolated nation, the country’s former deputy ambassador to London has said.

Thae Yong-ho defected to South Korea in August last year and since December has been speaking to media and appearing on television to discuss his defection and his life as a North Korean envoy.

“When Kim Jong-un first came to power, I was hopeful that he would make reasonable and rational decisions to save North Korea from poverty, but I soon fell into despair watching him purging officials for no proper reasons,” Thae said during his first news conference with foreign media on Wednesday.

“Low-level dissent or criticism of the regime, until recently unthinkable, is becoming more frequent,” said Thae, who spoke in fluent, British-accented English. “We have to spray gasoline on North Korea, and let the North Korean people set fire to it.”

Dude, what?! Don’t you know who you’re messing with? I get that you’re in South Korea now and you feel like he’s not a threat to you anymore, but do you really think you’re safe if my guy Kim Jong wants you to get got? Your name is in that article, man. That wasn’t smart. I don’t know much about common names in that part of the world but maybe there aren’t too many Thae Yong-hos running around? Maybe ask to get that shit redacted next time you verbally disparage THE guy known for killing people who verbally disparage him?

Just because North Korean citizens aren’t allowed to access the internet, it doesn’t mean that chubby fucker with the weird haircut doesn’t know what’s going on around the world. Dude has the internet and his finger on the pulse of who’s saying what about him.

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No doubt he has a Google search set up to notify him any time an article mentions his name. Why am I even telling you this, Ho? This seems like North Korean Defector 101 type stuff. This is the same guy who makes his immediate family members disappear and fries senior members of the government in vats of oil if they doze off in meetings. The dude is pure evil and I have all the respect in the world for the way he does business.

Business is killing people who talk badly about him, and business is good. Oh, and nice job saying that people still inside the North Korean border are talking mess about him. He’ll have them sniffed out before lunch. You just killed them, too. That blood is on your hands, Ho.

[via The Guardian]

      1. CrookedHalo

        Which means he’s going to be the Kim Jong-un of this site and just go after anybody that makes fun of him,
        like this in-bred DixieDown tard he picked this week for repeatedly commenting that he has a baby nub.

        7 years ago at 6:38 pm
  1. dewitt1428

    lol like He has any real power. Every country with power let’s North Korea exist so they can be the butt of the worlds jokes

    7 years ago at 1:00 pm