Having bartenders fight to serve me. TFM.

  1. username

    marshall frathers… this is on the correct wall. You see, they fight to serve him because he is a big tipper. If you did not understand that then you are obviously a poor geed.

    14 years ago at 12:14 am
    1. BROld Spice

      My assumption is that he knew exactly why a guy was posting it, and simply made a joke.

      14 years ago at 1:13 am
    2. Marshall Frathers

      Haha, to Frat E. Lee. And I understand the concept, but most bars that I’ve ever been to have a tip sharing system where it doesn’t really matter how much one bartender gets, they all split it at the end of the night. As for the wrong wall comment, I figure this would be something a girl would say in regards to supremacy of looks among her fellow sorostitutes. It is different everywhere though, I suppose.

      14 years ago at 1:13 am
    3. Brother of Gaw

      I’m assuming this person is from U of I, and Marshall Frathers is right, there all the bars share tips

      14 years ago at 10:19 am