one of the best things about this website is that frat daddies could all post their great stories together as a frat community. don’t go ruining it making stupid generic judgments and targeting frats just because they have a shitty chapter on your campus
coming from a Rammed a Guy? it doesnt matter what frat you are from, everyone in a house at any college is a pussy. you look the same, you cant drink for shit, you dress like homos. no i am not a GDI. literally everyone thinks your a douschebag. even your own brothers. and you only talk about GDI’s behind their back because your too big of a pussy to say shit to their face because you know if you did, they would beat the shit out of your scronny ass.
some ones upset cause their graphic T’s hasnt gotten them laid since highschool. and saying fraternity men dont know how to drink is like saying women in college dont know how to apply make up. theyve been doing it since they were young and do it almost every day.
one of the best things about this website is that frat daddies could all post their great stories together as a frat community. don’t go ruining it making stupid generic judgments and targeting frats just because they have a shitty chapter on your campus
15 years ago at 3:48 pmComing from a Pike at OU.. which is the worst frat on campus. lol.
15 years ago at 4:29 pmyou said lol you unfratty piece of shit
15 years ago at 2:12 pmI agree, pike (uncapitalized on purpose) is DEFINATELY the shittiest frat at OU
15 years ago at 12:36 amWhich is like saying your the worst competitor at the Special Olympics. Fuck off.
14 years ago at 9:26 pmyou’re*
14 years ago at 9:29 pmPIKE is terrible at Texas State as well
15 years ago at 8:31 pmPIKE just got recharted at Texas State. Pike now runs Texas State.
14 years ago at 11:22 pmFalse.
14 years ago at 9:22 ami like the pike boys at Texas State. im a DZ here and we do everything with them 🙂
14 years ago at 10:39 amOU just sucks in general. Are your sure he was a PIKE and not a BETA
15 years ago at 12:40 amPIKE is literally as fratty as a tribal tattoo
15 years ago at 7:48 pmthis ^^
15 years ago at 8:25 pmPIKE being one of the Original 5 Fraternities. TFM. Suck on my pike balls bitches.
15 years ago at 7:27 amPhi Phi my brother
14 years ago at 4:43 pmphi phi
14 years ago at 10:59 pmPi Kappa Alpha being one of the original 5 fraternities. TFM. Suck on my pike balls bitches
15 years ago at 7:30 amCongrats your a legacy. Congrats on ruining that legacy by sucking.
15 years ago at 8:41 amPlease tell mr HPU isn’t Howard Payne University. If so go kill yourself.
15 years ago at 1:15 amMe**
15 years ago at 1:16 amPike being one of the original 5 fraternities. TFM. SUCK ON MY PIKE BALLS BITCH
15 years ago at 7:05 amphi phi
14 years ago at 4:31 pmAnyone who says “lol” in a wall post/text message/etc. is a fucking GDI.
15 years ago at 3:17 pmlol
15 years ago at 4:22 pmhaha
14 years ago at 2:59 pmAnyone who says “lol” in a wall post is a GDI.
15 years ago at 3:18 pmPike is by far the worst house at OU. literally a laughing stock throughout campus. LXA bitches
14 years ago at 9:09 pmcoming from a Rammed a Guy? it doesnt matter what frat you are from, everyone in a house at any college is a pussy. you look the same, you cant drink for shit, you dress like homos. no i am not a GDI. literally everyone thinks your a douschebag. even your own brothers. and you only talk about GDI’s behind their back because your too big of a pussy to say shit to their face because you know if you did, they would beat the shit out of your scronny ass.
14 years ago at 1:24 pmbrotherRugger-judging by the writing skill shown in response, i doubt you attend college. also, you have anger problems.
14 years ago at 1:30 pmsome ones upset cause their graphic T’s hasnt gotten them laid since highschool. and saying fraternity men dont know how to drink is like saying women in college dont know how to apply make up. theyve been doing it since they were young and do it almost every day.
14 years ago at 1:37 pm