Nothing Says “Found You!” Like a Double Tap to the Head


I received a call from my father at 10 o’clock Sunday night. All he said was, “Check Fox News.” I was in the middle of having a drink or two with some friends, so you can imagine the looks I got when the TV guide told us that the program was “The Royal Wedding Recap.” I thought pops had finally lost it. Instead, I was greeted by Geraldo’s moustache informing me of the demise of a certain Saudi Arabian Asshole, which would also be a sweet ass name for a drink (recipe ideas?). Well, you know the rest of the story, and if you’re any kind of serious about being an American, you’ve been drinking and rocking a full on patriot chub while jamming Boston’s Star-Spangled banner on repeat since then. I haven’t seen people this excited since my drunken pledge brothers discovered that the McRib was back at McDonald’s, except in this situation, the McRib is bin Laden and McDonald’s is Pakistan, and we just shot the McRib in the fucking face.

It’s nice to see that for a while, everyone can set aside their bullshit and celebrate the important things in lifeā€¦a 5.56 mm round embedded in a scumbag’s cranium. It’s nice to be able to say that our President has done the unequivocally right thing. It’s nice to see a small victory among all of the shit that our boys go through. Here’s what I don’t like, though. I don’t like sea burials. Look, I get it. Give the man his Islamic ritual to prevent retaliatory attacks. Bury him at sea so that his grave doesn’t become a target, or worse, a shrine for radical douchers. I totally get that. I’m just pissed because I had some sweet ideas on what to do with the body that would have been fuckin’ tits. These ideas totally would have worked; I can even recommend a good taxidermist:

1. Set him up at the front door of CIA headquarters with his hand extended. This way, the first thing our Spooks do when they walk in for work is high-five bin Laden, as if to say, “Good game, bud. But don’t ever fucking play hide and seek with the USA.”

2. Use him in the final challenge of the History Channel’s phenomenal series, “Top Shot.” I’m thinking we set him up 700 yards away and have the two finalists hang upside down and try to tag his ass with a .50 cal.

3. Have a nationwide essay contest for kids ages 6-12 to win what I like to call “The Osama Piñata” for their next birthday. The subject of the essay will be: “Justify Sterling Cooper’s recent intramural outburst, and make a case for his banishment from intramural events to be lifted.” The winner will get to pummel bin Laden’s body at his/her (but let’s be honest, probably his) birthday party until it releases its contents. What would ordinarily be candy will be replaced by pocket Constitutions and fake ID’s for all his friends.

Finally, let’s all take a step back. This milestone is important, but we’ve got a long way to go. I vote that we take this week off from seriousness. Let’s celebrate what just happened properly. Drink bourbon because it’s American. Slam broads because it’s fun. Ignore liberals because they’re dumb. Buy every veteran you see a drink because it’s right. And above all, prepare for next week, because there are still a lot of terrorists threatening Lady Liberty. And I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to go back to war.

  1. MrRobertLee

    Fucking great man. Boston’s “star spangled banner” was playing while I read this.

    13 years ago at 8:44 pm
    1. SoutheasternProper

      App is no where near FaF, their greek life is a fucking embarrassment and it’s full of hippies. But it is a good sign

      13 years ago at 11:02 am
    2. Chevy Silverabro

      Thanks for talking out of your ass, you clearly don’t know what you are talking about.

      13 years ago at 1:06 pm
  2. The Creed

    I’m sure you are ready to go back to the war from the comforts of daddy’s mansion.

    13 years ago at 8:45 pm
    1. FratwallJackson

      Got em good, hippie. Now tell me about that piece of shit van you just love so much.

      13 years ago at 10:12 pm
    2. The Creed

      I’m actually in the military, that’s why I said it. Are you actually going to be someone going to war? If not, then why are you so ready? Boom Roasted.

      13 years ago at 11:45 pm
    3. iRage

      Well said The Creed and thank you for your service. I myself am not in the military, but have lots of family serving and hope for their safe return and an end to this war as soon as possible. There seem to be a lot of war mongering conservatives on here with no real sense of what’s happening.

      13 years ago at 1:02 pm
    4. Next In Line

      I can agree with Sterling Cooper. I’m joining the Marine Corps this summer, and I’d love to go back to war. I’m joining to fight and to serve, not to sit stateside.

      13 years ago at 4:39 pm
    5. FratwallJackson

      1. Yeah, war is hell.
      2. If you want to bitch about how hard and scary it is to serve, don’t. It’s that simple.
      3. If you think you have it bad, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought the Great War. Enough said.
      4.*If* you’re in the military, what in God’s name are you doing on here?

      13 years ago at 5:15 pm
    6. The Creed

      Im in college so I can be a commissioned officer in the Marine Corps. Let me know if you need help getting your foot out of your mouth.

      13 years ago at 9:32 pm
    7. The Creed

      And I’m not bitching about being in the military I’m just saying some rich college kid who knows nothing of serving should be bragging about being ready to go back to war. If Sterling had said something along the lines of “I’m ready to support the military’s future efforts in going to war cause I know America will kick their ass” that would have been appropriate. And I also realize our grandfathers had it worse. What does that have to do with anything? You should have just humbly acknowledged the fact that you were wrong in calling me a hippie.

      13 years ago at 9:37 pm
    8. FratwallJackson

      Yeah, cool story brah. Don’t worry, every time I say something stupid on TFM I’m “a commissioned officer” too.

      13 years ago at 3:21 pm