Nothing Says “Found You!” Like a Double Tap to the Head


I received a call from my father at 10 o’clock Sunday night. All he said was, “Check Fox News.” I was in the middle of having a drink or two with some friends, so you can imagine the looks I got when the TV guide told us that the program was “The Royal Wedding Recap.” I thought pops had finally lost it. Instead, I was greeted by Geraldo’s moustache informing me of the demise of a certain Saudi Arabian Asshole, which would also be a sweet ass name for a drink (recipe ideas?). Well, you know the rest of the story, and if you’re any kind of serious about being an American, you’ve been drinking and rocking a full on patriot chub while jamming Boston’s Star-Spangled banner on repeat since then. I haven’t seen people this excited since my drunken pledge brothers discovered that the McRib was back at McDonald’s, except in this situation, the McRib is bin Laden and McDonald’s is Pakistan, and we just shot the McRib in the fucking face.

It’s nice to see that for a while, everyone can set aside their bullshit and celebrate the important things in lifeā€¦a 5.56 mm round embedded in a scumbag’s cranium. It’s nice to be able to say that our President has done the unequivocally right thing. It’s nice to see a small victory among all of the shit that our boys go through. Here’s what I don’t like, though. I don’t like sea burials. Look, I get it. Give the man his Islamic ritual to prevent retaliatory attacks. Bury him at sea so that his grave doesn’t become a target, or worse, a shrine for radical douchers. I totally get that. I’m just pissed because I had some sweet ideas on what to do with the body that would have been fuckin’ tits. These ideas totally would have worked; I can even recommend a good taxidermist:

1. Set him up at the front door of CIA headquarters with his hand extended. This way, the first thing our Spooks do when they walk in for work is high-five bin Laden, as if to say, “Good game, bud. But don’t ever fucking play hide and seek with the USA.”

2. Use him in the final challenge of the History Channel’s phenomenal series, “Top Shot.” I’m thinking we set him up 700 yards away and have the two finalists hang upside down and try to tag his ass with a .50 cal.

3. Have a nationwide essay contest for kids ages 6-12 to win what I like to call “The Osama Piñata” for their next birthday. The subject of the essay will be: “Justify Sterling Cooper’s recent intramural outburst, and make a case for his banishment from intramural events to be lifted.” The winner will get to pummel bin Laden’s body at his/her (but let’s be honest, probably his) birthday party until it releases its contents. What would ordinarily be candy will be replaced by pocket Constitutions and fake ID’s for all his friends.

Finally, let’s all take a step back. This milestone is important, but we’ve got a long way to go. I vote that we take this week off from seriousness. Let’s celebrate what just happened properly. Drink bourbon because it’s American. Slam broads because it’s fun. Ignore liberals because they’re dumb. Buy every veteran you see a drink because it’s right. And above all, prepare for next week, because there are still a lot of terrorists threatening Lady Liberty. And I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to go back to war.

  1. Kappa Kappa Gorgeous

    Sterling, as always, you have our sincerest love and respect for your brilliance and patriotism. God Bless the USA!

    13 years ago at 10:27 pm
  2. rainbowsociety

    that’s not the only situation for a double tap on the head.

    “just don’t surprise me, okay?”

    13 years ago at 11:24 pm
  3. Go Frat Win

    Does anyone else like to read Sterling Cooper’s post with Hank Hill’s voice in your head? Makes a great post excellent

    13 years ago at 11:54 pm
    1. Fratstar Runner

      I always read his posts in a Don Draper voice, but that Hank Hill voice sounds like a good idea.

      13 years ago at 12:04 am
    2. Lucas Fratterson

      Fuck Hank Hill. There’s a fine line between Southern-Frat and redneck, Hank Hill is complete white trash.

      13 years ago at 2:09 am
    1. Fratimus__Maximus

      App having bullshit finals at 9 the next day but raging till 4 the night before. TFM. Fuck Osama.

      13 years ago at 10:37 pm
  4. fratstar40

    Sterling, I greatly admire your patriotism and utter disregard for authority, but as a fraternity man who has multiple brothers serving over seas I caution you to not take lightly the perils of war. I love a double tap to a terrorist’s face just as much as the next guy, but being on the front lines and being on home soil demanding war are two very different things. “Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war.”-Otto Von Bismarck. Not to be a total buzzkill, but I just thought that should be thrown out there. Support our troops. W killed Osama.

    13 years ago at 2:29 am
    1. The Creed

      Thankyou. I made a similar but simple comment and got called a hippie. All these people are braggin about how we killed Osama, which is definitely something to be celebrated,but then they call for more war when they have no idea what it takes to serve.

      13 years ago at 10:08 am
    2. AllNatural

      First off, great article SC.
      But as my father is a member of the USAF I agree that calling for war is little drastic. I hate the terrorists as much as anyone here, but my father has been deployed there twice during this war. I know the Air Force doesn’t see as much front line action as other branches, but no one is safe over there although it is the nature of the job and part of the risk all our soldiers take.

      Frat on and God Bless America

      13 years ago at 11:52 am
    3. DZhoneybee

      I completely agree with you guys, but I don’t think he’s calling for another war. I think he’s just pointing out that although this is a great accomplishment, the war on terror isn’t over.

      13 years ago at 4:56 pm
    4. Bid

      Relax. The last thing we need is for this site to start pushing PC on its posters. He merely presents that the celebration is welcome, but there is still a looming threat which we are still at war against. That is to say, “Celebrate, but don’t lose sight of what’s still being done.” His word choice left a lot to the reader.

      13 years ago at 12:47 am
  5. Brohemian Fratsody

    I wanted to keep the body for a new movie idea… “Weekend at Bin Ladens”.

    13 years ago at 9:08 am
    1. friendsinbroplaces

      haha. unfortunately there would be no booze, chicks, or people that don’t wipe with their hands.

      13 years ago at 2:04 pm