Nude Woman Sun Bathing Causes Traffic Jam


There are a lot of reasons as to why a traffic jam might occur: car accidents, weather, or an old woman driving at the same pace she uses to get out of the bathtub to avoid slipping, hitting her head on the toilet, and ultimately having her naked corpse discovered by the grandson tasked with going over to check on her. Apparently, another way to stop motorists is to sit a beautiful woman outside and expose her bare ass.

That is exactly what some hottie in Vienna, Austria, happened to do. Say what you want about Europe, but their women have absolutely no boundaries, which would make you think that drivers would be used to seeing something like the sight they came across–but a hot ass is a hot ass.

Motorist Michael Kienast told reporters, “I was behind two guys who had a fender bender because the motorists in front took their eyes off the road to glance up at the view.”

The dialogue between the two motorists in the accident is fantastic. The driver who had his vehicle rear-ended said, “Didn’t you look where you were supposed to be going?” to which the other driver replied, “Sorry, I was distracted,” and pointed up to the window where the woman was lying. The motorist who was hit replied, “Oh, right, I see what you mean.” Boner empathy is a strong emotion.

Several cars were backed up before the police showed up to handle the situation, which seems like one that European police deal with pretty routinely. Luckily for the girl, she had gone inside and closed her windows before they showed up. Mayhem managed.

[via Daily Star]

  1. Minor Milikan

    Considering this was in Austria, this guy was probably distracted by a man sunbathing. I see straight through your lies Austrian press. Quit trying to protect your sub-par image.

    10 years ago at 2:11 pm