NYC 9/11 Museum Was Selling Commemorative Cheese Plates, To Ruin Both The Enjoyment Of Cheese And The Memory Of The Victims


Let’s set a scene here, shall we? Someone is having over friends and family for a book club or a baby shower, or whatever other event that requires a cheese tray filled with moderately priced cheeses. The hostess brings out the cheese tray lined with sharp Cheddar, Brie, goat cheese, and whatever else, along with fancy crackers and, if she’s really classy, some nice salami or Italian chorizo. The hostess places the tray on the table and one of the guests says…

Guest: Oh, what a neat cheese tray! Shaped like America. I like it! But wait–why are there three little hearts in the northeast there? That can’t be because it’s where you’re from. You were born in Phoenix, weren’t you?

Hostess: No, no. The three little hearts are there to memorialize the September 11 attacks. One for New York, one for Shanksville, and one for Washington, D.C.

Guest: Um…where did you get that? A late night infomercial?

Hostess: Oh, no, not at all! I bought it at the very site of the September 11 attacks! The 9/11 Museum in New York City. They have a lovely and not at all out of place gift shop.

Guest: But…why? Why do you want to remind yourself of 9/11 while hosting parties or get togethers? Specifically when serving cheese? It just doesn’t seem like the right place–or appropriate at all.

Hostess: Because, you ignorant, communist slut, we should never forget. Never. Not when we’re listening to the national anthem, not when we’re driving, not when we’re pooping, and certainly not when we’re eating cheese. You see, this cheap, tacky cheese tray reminds me that there are those of us who are no longer here, able to enjoy cheese, like you and me. They gave their lives, which in part means they gave up eating cheese, for our freedom. So when I eat cheese–salty, creamy, delicious cheese–I like to think about those who were incinerated by flaming jet fuel, crushed by collapsing buildings, and killed bravely while retaking a hijacked plane after having tearful goodbye phone calls with their loved ones. When I bite into a sharp, bitter piece of Cheddar, I remember the firefighters who, clad in yellow just like this cheese here, charged into burning buildings, selflessly rescuing thousands from certain death, and eventually sacrificing their own lives in one of the most horrific ways imaginable.

Guest: We, uh, like to enjoy our cheese in very different ways. Listen, I believe in honoring the victims and heroes of 9/11, too. They’re great Americans. I just–I just don’t think “while eating cheese” is necessarily when we should do it. It’s just weird.

Hostess: Well, I guess I’m just a better American than you.

Guest: I mean…I guess?

Hostess: Now, do you still have a problem with my September 11 Memorial Cheese Platter, or do I have to ask you to leave my double wide?

*Hostess smugly walks away*

Guest: Freakin’ crazy person.


Count me as one of the hundreds of millions of Americans who has no problem honoring the victims of 9/11. This cheese tray, though, is worse than those commemorative, “collectible” gold coins you see sold on commercials either during a break in a 4 a.m. showing of “Porky’s” on Comedy Central or while watching the History Channel after lunch. It’s just trashy. Don’t bum me out while I’m eating cheese. I’m already thinking about how thankful I am for my freedom and how I’m grateful for my life, because that’s what happens EVERY time I eat cheese. It’s cheese!

Thankfully, the 9/11 Museum is no longer selling the cheese trays in its gift shop, due to a whole lot of complaints from people who also thought equating cheese to horrific and heroic death was inappropriate, if not outright crass.

Get it together, 9/11 Museum.

[via Gawker]

  1. Blues_Ghost

    I didnt really read this article, but God I love cheese. White America, cheddar, mozzarella, theyre all like a gift from God. Hell sometimes I’ll put some cheese whiz on a girls titties and lick that sweet, orange paste. Then I’ll have her put some on my crank while she sucks me off. Ever needed some lube for anal, but youre all out? Just grab some canned cheese and squirt that shit in the b-hole. I call that a chili cheese dog. Need to impress the ladies at your next mixer? A hollowed out cheese wheel makes for a great beer bong. And dont get me started on Swiss. I swear if that shit had a pulse, I would have lost my virginity to its holey goodness long, long ago.

    10 years ago at 3:39 pm
  2. Col_Reb_is_my_mascot

    I guess it’s appropriate since they made the buildings look like Swiss cheese.

    10 years ago at 4:28 pm
  3. duckdog

    So, I read about this elsewhere and also heard how people were up in arms that they rent the facility out for functions/had a party for the benefactors. The truth of the matter is, they could probably be a bit more tactful/tasteful about what they choose to sell in the gift shop. But the fact of the matter is that the facility gets no Federal/State funding and there is nothing wrong with honoring benefactors with a few cocktails to show your gratitude to them for what there money made possible. Admission is free, and the museum has to sustain itself. They could start charging admission and close the gift shop, but I am sure people would not like that either.

    10 years ago at 7:47 am
    1. OnceAPikeAlwaysAPike

      From what I heard, they do charge admission. They just have no government funding, so it isn’t enough

      10 years ago at 9:06 am