O.J. Simpson And Joe Namath Coaching A 1980 Beer Chug Off Is The Best Hidden Gem On The Internet
Where most companies would have mailed it in for the weekend this late on a Friday afternoon, we are tirelessly grinding until that final work whistle blows at 3:30 p.m. It’s challenging and can bring even the strongest man (me) to his knees at times, but when you find gems like this video we have today, those countless hours of blood, sweat, and tears induced from the comments section over the keyboard are suddenly all worth it.
This might be our best find yet: O.J. Simpson and Joe Willie Namath coaching a chug off contest between their alma maters USC and Alabama. Words can not do it justice, so just watch for yourself.
Just so many incredible quotes from these two legends of the game when you factor in how both their lives panned out.
- “The mark of a champion is one who can work under adversity.” – OJ Simpson
- “Let’s go out and win one for the sipper.” – Joe Namath
- “It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, until you lose.” – OJ Simpson
- “I want to kiss you. I could care less about the team struggling.” – Joe Namath
Incredible. This might be the most perfect video on the internet and no one’s fucking watched it. Juice is giving motivational speeches to coeds, Broadway Joe is trying his Suzy Kolber move two decades earlier, we have a giant portrait of Robert E. Lee making an appearance, and the teams themselves are full of ’80s flow and stache galore.
If the USC-Alabama game this weekend is anywhere near as electric as this chug off contest, we’re in for a doozy..
Image via Youtube
Didn’t make it past the host. Too bad.. I thought this had potential.
9 years ago at 3:34 pmI’m doing everything I can to hold my shit in. Please just give us Fail Friday.
9 years ago at 3:39 pmStill no Fail Friday I see, empty promises and lies. You are going to give us daddy issues Dorno.
9 years ago at 6:51 pmCouldn’t hold it. Had taco bell last night.
9 years ago at 7:59 pmTry selling Haramber T-Shirts to high schoolers.
9 years ago at 10:41 amDanny – that pic makes your arms look HUGE, bro.
9 years ago at 4:02 pmI swear to God I’m deleting this app if they don’t put up Fail Friday.
9 years ago at 4:50 pmNot looking good.
9 years ago at 7:02 pmIt’s been real, fellas. If y’all ever make it to Weinerville give me a shout!
9 years ago at 8:28 pmGood bye mr. weinerville 🙁
9 years ago at 8:49 pmIs this what it feels like when a loved one dies?
9 years ago at 9:16 pmThis is what if feels like when a news publications dies
9 years ago at 9:52 pmI’ve been sitting on the crapper at work since 8am and here it is 6pm and I’m the only one still here. I’m starting to dehydrate and starve. Give us what we want or give me death!
9 years ago at 5:10 pmemployee of the month 10/10
9 years ago at 6:24 pmUPDATE: it’s 10:30pm and here I am still sitting on the crapper. I feel I only have a limited time in this earth if someone doesn’t bring me a water and chicken sandwich.
9 years ago at 9:46 pmThis actually might have been a decent read/watch if we weren’t missing Fail Friday for the umpteenth time.
9 years ago at 5:51 pmWhile we’re waiting, has anyone heard about Lena Dunham?
9 years ago at 6:44 pmWhat about her?
9 years ago at 7:08 pmShe posted a story saying that Odell Beckham ignored her because she wasn’t fuckable. Meanwhile he glanced over at her for a second and didn’t say anything so she made up the whole thought process he had.
9 years ago at 7:14 pmIn other words she was being a cunt.
9 years ago at 7:14 pmShe is always a cunt
9 years ago at 7:36 pmTrue, but it was fun seeing everyone on Twitter unite to tell her she’s an idiot.
9 years ago at 7:56 pmThis was great. Can you post some vids from The Superstars tomorrow so I can get in touch with my inner 70s?
9 years ago at 7:10 pmIt’s not happening again boys, shut it all down. Siblings’ articles are the only real reason to still come to this site.
9 years ago at 7:10 pmUnfortunately thats not good enough. I’m out
9 years ago at 9:41 amYou know what fuck you TFM I’m done with your shit. Honestly you cock suckers can’t give what the people want you’re a bunch of fucking idiots for doing so. You get rid of the forums and rush boobs now it’s inconsistent content. Yeah every once in a while you’re not going to bring your best work so be it. If you’re posting two maybe three shit articles a day something is seriously wrong. I get it you’re trying to change things up but as everyone who is old back in my day was better and for TFM it is. You gave the people what they wanted content that was relatable and funny day in and day out. Frat romances novels (looking at you Bacon) those were the best even the frat mystery theater was enjoyable. So get your shit together start posting consistently with fail Friday comments etc. and stop beating a dead horse with Internet jokes, we see it everyday on fucking Twitter.
9 years ago at 9:24 pmThat’s all.
Now, please show the court on this doll where he touched you
9 years ago at 10:34 pm