Obama Makes “Paddle” Joke, Shows Pathetic Swing

President Obama visited Dublin on Monday to discuss issues, such as the economy, with the President of Ireland. In a sloppy exchange after their meeting, President Enda Kenny gifted Obama with a “hurling stick.” Surprisingly the President of Ireland is not named McFinnegan, and the Irish are playing a sport I’ve never heard of. “Hurling” is the mutant crossbreed fuck-mistake-offspring of lacrosse (Native American), field hockey (Women), and soccer (3rd World/Euro-trash). The Irishman attempted to show President Obama how to properly use the stick, and after an awkward hand-off Obama displayed his horrific form, then cracked a joke about paddling members of Congress if they misbehave: “If members of Congress aren’t behaving, give them a little paddle, a little hurl.”