Obama Would Like Your Wedding Guests to Donate to His Campaign

I can’t decide whether the Obama campaign is doing this because Mitt Romney is SO rich that they’re going to need to get money from every conceivable corner of America, or because the people who ran Obama’s successful 2008 campaign started smoking crack and snorting bath salts. Either way I’ve come up with some other uselessful ways the Obama campaign can raise money:

– Put out tip jars at Starbucks
– Hire sidewalk performers
– Literally panhandle on the side of the highway
Hire porn stars to give $1 blow jobs across the country
– Set up dummy wishing wells near schools full of less fortunate children
– Steal from mall fountains
– Ask all the hopeless bands and filmmakers on Kickstarter to turn over the donations they’ve accumulated to the campaign
– Collect cans and recycle them, like the hobos do
– Dollar dances with Barack Obama
– Place “malfunctioning” soda machines that eat dollars all over the country
– Ask for everyone’s old Sacagawea dollars, because no one wants those anyway

Any other ideas? Leave them in the comments.

[h/t to reader Sand Saver]

    1. Jimmy Crowe

      Something tells me he can’t swim, so he probably can’t tread water in a dunking booth.

      12 years ago at 9:33 am
  1. Make an online poker account using the tax payer’s $$$ & attempt to win big. If bank roll gets low, just deposit more tax payer $$$.

    12 years ago at 3:57 pm
  2. JamesWestfall

    If I was opening my wedding gifts and found a letter saying ‘congratulations, we’ve placed a donation to Obama for America in your name’ I would murder that person. Then go to the Obama campaign offices and murder them as well and take my donation back. Then proceed to give it to Romney. But thank God I am not getting married amiright guys?

    12 years ago at 4:13 pm
  3. Fraternity Lifestyle

    This will go down in history as one of the all-time worst campaign moves.

    12 years ago at 11:44 pm