Occupy What? Why?


Unless you’ve been systematically avoiding the media for the last month I’m sure you’re well aware that Wall Street has been “occupied.” Now, when I hear occupation I automatically think of some kind of invasion by the Mongols, Nazis, al Qaeda, or hell…even China. But, there’s something about a few thousand unemployed and malodorous liberals marching around Manhattan that doesn’t scream occupation at me.

The Occupy Wall Street movement is reminiscent of the anti-Vietnam War protests of the 1960’s, except for the general lack of purpose to the whole thing. The group claims that the occupation is a protest against corporate greed and that they are fighting for the middle class against the evil 1%, as they call it. But, that’s pretty much the end of their platform. The reality is that the movement is more of a socialist uprising with the participants bonded together over a common desire to restrict the free market, abolish true capitalism, and institute some kind of liberal ass new world order. Doesn’t that sound like a great idea? The people that somehow have enough free time to protest for an entire month have a solution for our nation’s problems. I’ve got a solution for ‘em. How about all you stop chanting in a park and get a fucking job! What kind of grown man has the time to join a protest rally for an entire month about nothing in particular? I’ll tell you: the kind of man that doesn’t really matter. I’m sure the middle class that they claim to be defending is probably too busy working and being a contributing member of society to worry about their bullshit publicity stunt.

But wait, it gets better. If you were wondering what kind of people this movement is composed of, New York magazine conducted a survey about the political beliefs of the group. The result is a cross between hilarious and horrifying. 55% didn’t vote in the last election, 37% believe capitalism is fundamentally evil, and 77% want to raise taxes on only the wealthy. We should ship them all to Cuba and let them live out their fantasy notion of an alternative to capitalism. I’m sure Castro would love for them to protest in his park.


As much as I’d like this to end quickly we are a month in to this overly dramatic protest and it has garnered worldwide attention as GDIs, liberals, and hippies around the globe have taken up the call. Despite the global support one question still remains unanswered: What the fuck do they want? I don’t understand how you protest corporate greed for an entire fucking month without a proposed solution. The group has not officially made any demands. Now maybe they’re too busy wandering around the city with poster boards harassing everyone that’s more successful, but they could’ve at least taken 20 minutes to come up with some kind of platform. This is going to go down as the vaguest demonstration in history.

In addition to the lack of true purpose, there’s also no leader. None at all. No one is in charge nor responsible for the demonstration. They just roam around New York like an amoeba of poverty and bitterness sucking joy and productivity from everything around them. The Occupy Wall Street movement is troublesome because it shows how easily the weak of mind can be rallied together under false pretenses and inaccurate information, but I wouldn’t be too concerned. Shortly they’ll all have to return to their puddles of mediocrity and we’ll go back to doing what we do best. Running shit.

    1. PhiGamma

      I learned alot from this video…. or not, because those people have no idea why they are there.

      13 years ago at 4:36 pm
    2. Ivy Always

      “All corporations are evil!”
      “Is that an Iphone you have?”
      “No it’s the old Iphone…”

      13 years ago at 4:37 pm
    3. PhiGamma

      Lol, If they want to make a limit on what a bank could charge, they should make a limit on what these people should spend. None of them know how to handle their money.

      13 years ago at 6:23 pm
    4. the_old_guard

      That one chick advocated a hunter gatherer system… Yeah, it certainly looked like most of that crowd were meat eating hunters.

      13 years ago at 11:05 pm
  1. PhrattinHard_PDT

    What a bunch of bullshit. My father came from pretty much nothing and worked his ass off to be as successful as he is today. My family is far from wealthy, but we’re upper middle class solely because my parents worked hard and wanted to give their family a good life. They didn’t get to the position they’re in by bitching at people that had money and standing around protesting, these people are a fucking disgrace.

    13 years ago at 3:06 pm
    1. Danger Zone

      Same here, I am first generation product of the American dream. These GDSocialists should all leave to the other countries where communism has worked out so well and leave all us freedom loving capitalists the fuck alone.

      13 years ago at 3:34 pm
    2. True_Gentleman27

      Agreed. This whole “its not fair” movement is annoying the shit out of me. Is it fair that my parents have worked our asses off to get good paying jobs and degrees while you sit in a hut smoking weed? No. This whole thing is stupid. I find it highly unlikely that anyone with an actual degree, no matter the type, can not find a job in this country. Hell, even a HS diploma can get you a job doing fucking something..anything other than playing drums and whining about how you don’t have the money for the new IPhone because CEO’s are “greedy.”

      13 years ago at 8:14 am
  2. CandC

    Do you make this shit up on purpose? Nobody’s asking the government to be socialist.

    I know you guys LOVE to have somebody to yell at, but really, get this through your fucking head: nobody wants to make the country socialist, and nobody’s particularly asking for capitalism to go away.

    As to the article, thanks for writing something I could find on Fox News. If you take two seconds it’s pretty easy to see what they want–money out of politics, bank regulations, the fed under control and so on. Nobody’s saying “fuck you, I hate that I’m poor.” If anything, YOU are the ones turning it into class warfare by putting it all on them.

    13 years ago at 3:21 pm
    1. CandC

      As to raising taxes on the wealthy, it’s actually an overwhelmingly popular stance with the entire country, not just these geeds.

      They did in fact release official demands, way to not look. As for their lack of a leader, that’s the point. Take a look at protests in other countries, or even in our own. The leaders of those protests who put their head above the crowd are quickly incarcerated or even killed. By not giving you a solid target, they’re succeeding in pissing you the fuck off that you have to arrest all of them to get them to leave, considering in a recent poll 2/3rds of NY is fine with them protesting as long as they want.

      13 years ago at 3:26 pm
    2. CandC

      Go figure it’s a TKE, couldn’t join a real fraternity. Protip: just because I shoot down an article doesn’t mean I particularly support the other side. Take a step back and think about things.

      13 years ago at 3:26 pm
    3. SouthernTradition

      Raising tax on the wealthy… when the wealthy already pay the majority of taxes. Genius.

      13 years ago at 3:30 pm
    4. TotalKillerEpsilon

      Go figure, it’s a middle class shit dick. Raising taxes on the wealthy is bullshit. There should be no penalty for success.

      13 years ago at 3:32 pm
    5. Bob Barker is my bro

      ^Fucking this. My family worked their asses off and recieved a higher level of education and a higher paying job than most of the country, so that means they should be penalized? Fuck that shit.

      13 years ago at 4:13 pm
    6. Success

      That’s just plain wrong C. Though that’s what you’d like this ridiculous thing to be about, a great majority of these fleabaggers want nothing more than baseless wealth redistribution. These idiots have been polled and bank regulations, the fed under control and so on did not come up…at all. In fact a lot of them want their student loans forgiven because they “can’t find work”. Speaking as someone with a shit ton of loans, that’s bullshit. These protests are useless, illegal crap.

      13 years ago at 4:20 pm
    7. MississippiGentleman

      ^ these. I didn’t understand this until my dad told me how much he paid in taxes this year. If one of these geeds received all of my dad’s taxes, they’d be in the 1% they’re bitching about. My dad is the hardest working person I know. I’m sure most of you have a similar story.

      The difference is, these pieces of horse shit want 100% of the money with 0% of the wealthy’s work ethic or education level. They forget that this is America, the one place that rightfully rewards the people who genuinely want to work to succeed; not those who sit on their ass and beg. There’s an overpass with an empty street corner for them somewhere. Go occupy that.

      13 years ago at 4:26 pm
    8. legalizehazing

      So when they say we are the 99% that’s not about class warfare? Your doing what is very typical of idealistic people. It’s called rationalizing. You like the idea of it so using your so rationalize it. You make it make sense to you. However, if you look at the interviews and facts you will have to admit that you are completely wrong. I’ll refrain from calling you an idiot CandC but you really sound like one.

      13 years ago at 1:35 am
    9. rainbowsociety

      “thanks for writing something I could find on Fox News.” this is an extremely conservative web site, no shit. get out of here you geedy lib

      13 years ago at 2:20 pm
  3. KS4LIFE

    Someone needs to tell these hipsters Urban Outfitters is a publicly traded company.

    13 years ago at 3:23 pm
  4. PTBAP

    I wonder how many of these parasites realize there are currently 3.2 million job openings currently in the US. For all their bitching and moaning about wanting equality they have spent the last month sitting on their ass in a park holding some sign taking hand outs from those actually working for a living and trying to help the economy by making an income instead of asking for someone else, the corporations/1%, to pay their bills and pay more in taxes so they can have an easier life.

    13 years ago at 3:24 pm
    1. pinkplaidandpearls

      But many of those jobs probably involve something labor intensive. Something tells me that these people are not fans of an honest days labor.

      13 years ago at 6:46 pm
    2. Southern and Proud

      We have plenty of jobs in Georgia, there are all sorts of fruit fields that need to be picked clean before it gets cold.

      13 years ago at 3:05 pm
  5. BrotherOmicron

    One of my sister’s friends grew up without a father and a mother who spent all their money on drugs. He worked his ass off in high school to get great grades and got into a prestigious college. Despite having no money he worked his ass off to pay whatever loans he had but did well academically, eventually getting a job on Wall street. He had every possible disadvantage working against him yet still made his way to a great job. There is absolutely no reason for any of the protestors to call it “unfair”. America is the only place where everybody has an opportunity if you work hard.

    13 years ago at 3:25 pm
    1. DavidHill76

      The first picture? I went to high school with him, his name is Brad Hussey. He went to Sewanee then dropped out.

      13 years ago at 1:36 pm
  6. Bronan the Barbarian

    I agree with three things they’ve claimed to support:

    1) Reverse citizen’s united. Corps aren’t people, unless we can execute one for a crime, or put one in jail for breaking the law.
    2) Fix our retarded corporate tax code so that my parents are not paying more than GE did in taxes last year. I mean, my family lives pretty well, but the idea that a corporation paid less in taxes than a family of 5 with a solid upper middle class income is bullshit.
    3) Publicly finance campaigns and put huge constraints on lobbyists. These two problems are, single handedly, the biggest internal threats to our freedom. If a select few can buy the political outcomes they want, who’s to say the outcomes will be good for anyone but those few. Sure, today it might suit our interests, but what if it was someone like Soros buying all the influence and using it to push through legislation? Also, single term limits in both houses. No career politicians, and no 250K salary for life.

    13 years ago at 4:33 pm
    1. Bronan the Barbarian

      Other than that, they’re pretty misguided on some big issues. Lots of re-distribution type stuff.

      13 years ago at 4:33 pm
    2. titsorGTFO

      I believe you are misguided on all 3 of your points. Any tax on corporations is a tax on people. You can put the people who make up the corporation in jail, see Enron, Worldcom, and Tyco. It sounds like you blame many bad things in the world on “evil” corporations. Might want to take a second and look at all the good things that corporations have given the world, see indoor plumbing, easy access to food and clothing, medicine, all kind of technology, the list could go on for a long time. One who acts in their own self interest without malice furthers the interest of society as a whole, because in order to make a profit there must be a need or want of society that is being filled.

      13 years ago at 8:49 am
    3. Bronan the Barbarian

      Not blaming the corporations actually, I’m blaming the people in them, and the corruption of our politicians who bend to the will of certain people from those corporations.

      I have no issues with corporations on the theoretical level. They’re about as American as it gets. What I do have an issue with is when corporations essentially try and get government to regulate the market in such a way that they themselves are put in an alarming position of power. Unchecked, I think some of these corporations could, in the pursuit of their own interests, become dangerous or detrimental to the preservation of some very basic freedoms in this country, all in the name of their profits. Corporations never used to be this way. Some very unfortunate changes in corporate culture have caused this, and I think it’s a dangerous trend that we need to address as a nation.

      13 years ago at 7:40 pm