Occupy What? Why?


Unless you’ve been systematically avoiding the media for the last month I’m sure you’re well aware that Wall Street has been “occupied.” Now, when I hear occupation I automatically think of some kind of invasion by the Mongols, Nazis, al Qaeda, or hell…even China. But, there’s something about a few thousand unemployed and malodorous liberals marching around Manhattan that doesn’t scream occupation at me.

The Occupy Wall Street movement is reminiscent of the anti-Vietnam War protests of the 1960’s, except for the general lack of purpose to the whole thing. The group claims that the occupation is a protest against corporate greed and that they are fighting for the middle class against the evil 1%, as they call it. But, that’s pretty much the end of their platform. The reality is that the movement is more of a socialist uprising with the participants bonded together over a common desire to restrict the free market, abolish true capitalism, and institute some kind of liberal ass new world order. Doesn’t that sound like a great idea? The people that somehow have enough free time to protest for an entire month have a solution for our nation’s problems. I’ve got a solution for ‘em. How about all you stop chanting in a park and get a fucking job! What kind of grown man has the time to join a protest rally for an entire month about nothing in particular? I’ll tell you: the kind of man that doesn’t really matter. I’m sure the middle class that they claim to be defending is probably too busy working and being a contributing member of society to worry about their bullshit publicity stunt.

But wait, it gets better. If you were wondering what kind of people this movement is composed of, New York magazine conducted a survey about the political beliefs of the group. The result is a cross between hilarious and horrifying. 55% didn’t vote in the last election, 37% believe capitalism is fundamentally evil, and 77% want to raise taxes on only the wealthy. We should ship them all to Cuba and let them live out their fantasy notion of an alternative to capitalism. I’m sure Castro would love for them to protest in his park.


As much as I’d like this to end quickly we are a month in to this overly dramatic protest and it has garnered worldwide attention as GDIs, liberals, and hippies around the globe have taken up the call. Despite the global support one question still remains unanswered: What the fuck do they want? I don’t understand how you protest corporate greed for an entire fucking month without a proposed solution. The group has not officially made any demands. Now maybe they’re too busy wandering around the city with poster boards harassing everyone that’s more successful, but they could’ve at least taken 20 minutes to come up with some kind of platform. This is going to go down as the vaguest demonstration in history.

In addition to the lack of true purpose, there’s also no leader. None at all. No one is in charge nor responsible for the demonstration. They just roam around New York like an amoeba of poverty and bitterness sucking joy and productivity from everything around them. The Occupy Wall Street movement is troublesome because it shows how easily the weak of mind can be rallied together under false pretenses and inaccurate information, but I wouldn’t be too concerned. Shortly they’ll all have to return to their puddles of mediocrity and we’ll go back to doing what we do best. Running shit.

  1. TotalKillerEpsilon

    This really drives me to ask, when did American society became effeminate? People used to see this as a land of opportunity, where hard work is rewarded, and it still is. We used to make fucking steel in this country, people came over here and slaved in factories to provide for their families. They may not have liked it, but they did it anyway, because that’s what a fucking man does. Now these shit heads show up and demand a “helping hand” from the government? Go fuck yourself. If you don’t like your situation, sack the fuck up and work harder to improve it. Don’t tell me the 1% controls everything, if you believe that you’re fucking ignorant. You’re just not moving ahead because you A: are not trying hard enough or B: lack the ability to think outside the box. This is a fucking pathetic movement, maintained by fucking pathetic people. Fuck off hippies.

    13 years ago at 4:37 pm
    1. scbro91

      You assume that there are no external factors affecting someone’s life. Regardless of whether or not you like it, society has changed, we now know that you shouldn’t have to slave away in a factory. 14 days to barely get by is hardly life, and there is near 0% chance that a factory worker could move past it. The American dream is an illusion at best.

      13 years ago at 5:18 am
  2. 247frat

    The Wall Street Protesters have actually raised some good issues. The problem is that their solutions are horseshit. Watch a Republican debate (not the CNN one last night…Anderson Cooper was just TRYING to turn them on each other!), the candidates, though I’m not really a big fan of any of them, all have proposed BETTER solutions to these issues, and had way before OWS began. Basically, they are ‘raising awareness’ to something for which we were all aware of anyway. So now they’re just covering for the fact that they don’t have a job and have no money cause they won’t go out an earn it.

    13 years ago at 5:13 pm
  3. WorldWideSportsman

    If anybody watched the most recent GOP debate (which you should have), you’d remember a question being asked of the participants response to the Occupy movement. I can’t remember who it was that said it, but one of the candidates flat out asked what the point of these protests was. Instead of doing nothing with their lives as they are currently doing by yelling at people who couldn’t give a shit what these socialists have to say, these people should become more informed of the politics of this country because it is Washington, not Wall Street, which is running this country into the ground with the current administration. If the figure of 55% of the protestors didn’t vote is true, then these people are nothing more than the scum of America who lash out against those who have more success because they are jealous of that success. Without voting, your opinion is null and void.

    13 years ago at 5:32 pm
    1. scbro91

      Wall St. and Washington might as well be one in the same. If only Obama had actually ended the revolving door policy like he said he would.

      13 years ago at 7:28 pm
    1. FratasticMrOX

      It’s this fucking attitude that gives the protesters a legitimate reason to protest. You’re rich because of your family. Not because of you; but because of what your dad, or some other ancestor down your lineage did. Someone worked their ass off for you. The least you can do is have some fucking class or go make a man out of yourself instead of adopting such a trashy attitude. Go fuck yourself.

      13 years ago at 8:31 pm
  4. scbro91

    Is this a bad time to mention that Cuba has a better education system than the US? The people there live on average 3 years longer than their American counterparts. They have a higher literacy rate than United States and they are almost completely self sufficient in terms of necessities. Just saying.

    13 years ago at 7:26 pm
    1. Airborne Brother

      Cuba’s education system is better because ours has been destroyed by liberals. The people live longer not due to healthcare, but because Americans eat the processed junk called “food”. And our literacy rate is measured with illegal immigrants and failed inner city schools. Statistics that actually matter include our protection from our government, unlike any other at any time in the world, and our ability to produce ideas that lead to profit. However, I will concede they make better cigars, that’s about it.

      13 years ago at 7:56 pm
    2. scbro91

      Actually republicans are the ones who have gutted our education system and continue to do so.

      13 years ago at 8:01 pm
    3. the fratness monster

      You know what scbro, just move to Cuba so you can enjoy all those things. By necessities do you mean the junk they use to make those fucking rafts they use to escape to the US? A strong argument can be made that it is the teachers’ union that is destroying the education system. Tenure anyone? I think it’s safe to assume that your average public school teacher is a democrat. Texas being one of the most conservative states, has the best education system per capita. I’m from a red state with one of the worst education systems, and the teachers’ union controls education for reasons I don’t know. To top it off, my old school district is run by a bunch of fucking liberals that just got caught embezzling money. Let’s be honest, how many fraternity men work in education?

      13 years ago at 9:11 pm
    4. scbro91

      Texas does not have the best education per capita, considering they love to censor shit and replace science with religious dogma. Tell me, how are those scholarships for illegal immigrants going for ya? Rick Perry go fail.

      13 years ago at 9:31 pm
    5. geed_stomper

      The gov’t subsidizes everything corn related, where junk food comes from. This happens because most of the people that approve of these subsidies are former CEO’s and shit like that from the corn industry. Your safest bet is to avoid anything with corn in it, and buy fruits and veggies to prevent disease. As far as the tenure system goes, and as a future educator, i hope someone gets rid of it. raising someones pay should come from consistently high performance year in and year out, not working for a certain number of years.

      13 years ago at 9:54 pm
    6. 3under

      go look at some statistics. The northeast and the mid atlantic have the best educations systems in the country. Maryland, Massachusetts, and CT are 3 of the top states academically. What else do they have in common? All blue states. Libs love spending money, and one of those things that they love spending on is Education. Unlike in the red states where the politicians want nothing more than to lower taxes so the schools have no money. This is coming from a gentleman who has NEVER stepped foot in a public school.

      13 years ago at 10:59 pm
    7. the fratness monster

      Standardized test scores and the number of public schools ranked nationally by the department of education would suggest otherwise scbro. The only thing they censor is history, which isn’t even on standardized tests (ACT, SAT). I don’t agree with the censorship, but pretty much all states have censorship of some form. As far as teaching evolution, it’s a damn shame they don’t, but again, most states do the same.

      13 years ago at 11:01 pm
    8. truenorthfratdaddy

      scbro all of your points about Cuba are negated by the fact that its their citizens doing everything in their power to move to America, and not the other way around. If a country’s own citizens recognizes that they could lead a better life elsewhere, and are willing to break the law and brave the open seas to do it, then it is safe to say that that country is not one in which people want to live. Just saying.

      13 years ago at 10:48 am
    9. Success

      Is this a bad time to mention that Cuba is a dictatorship that negates all private rights from its citizens? That the “government” has taken all the wealth from the individuals? That it literally is one of poorest socieies on the planet (rather than being completely self-sufficient)? Has a horrid human rights record? Is extremely technologically behind most of the world? All because it chose the system you champion. I know you’re a troll but you truly are a waste of oxygen.

      13 years ago at 1:30 pm
  5. FratasticMrOX

    The thing that pisses me off the most is that these protesters are all wearing clothes designed by large companies, spreading their message out via twitter and facebook, congregating at Starbucks, and they all probably own some type of Apple product. Standing up for what you believe in is American as fuck but these protesters are all a bunch of fucking hypocrites.

    13 years ago at 8:27 pm
    1. Ivy Always

      My thought exactly. How can you sit there screaming how “all corporations are evil and greedy” then go right back to playing on your Ipad?

      13 years ago at 11:18 pm
  6. RReagan2012

    This takes the general hyperbolic profile of the young greek republican to an un-tasteful level. Your ignorance and indifference to social issues are only exacerbated by your poor writing and egregious misuse of “big” words.

    13 years ago at 8:54 pm
    1. RReagan2012

      No shit, TotalKillerEpsilon. Brilliant deduction!

      PhiGamma — I think it’s a pointless social gathering, but think it has the possibility to change public opinion in the following election and potentially in our fiscal policies. People have to understand, though, that we are in the worst crisis since the depression and NOT EVERYONE CAN HAVE A FRIGGIN’ JOB.

      13 years ago at 12:23 pm
  7. geed_stomper

    I personally support anybody who works hard and makes a bunch of money. But at some point, the amount of money somebody makes IS excessive because they aren’t spending/investing it on anything…

    13 years ago at 9:40 pm
    1. titsorGTFO

      Please name one person that is wealthy by legal means that keeps money buried in their backyard or under their mattress that wasn’t alive during the great depression? I’d be willing to be you wouldn’t find many, nearly every person with wealth are either spending it or investing it as those are pretty much the only two option… to say otherwise is just ridiculous.

      13 years ago at 8:56 am
  8. edibleincredible

    has anyone here even read a little John Locke or Friedman? Heath maybe?
    these protesters sadly have no plan… embarrassing and unfortunate because what they’re saying isn’t entirely wrong but it will go completely unheeded thanks to their methods

    13 years ago at 10:15 pm