Without telling them, whichever active has the largest bar tab tonight, gets the job. TAlumniM.

  1. Fratam Smith

    So you’re probably extending an offer to the d-bag who buys himself the most fruity drinks

    14 years ago at 2:43 am
    1. They Call Me King Bro, Copy?

      You’re absolutely right…. Whichever active buys the most Fruity Drinks, and has their pinky up while drinking it, gets the offer.
      Shut up you Geed.

      14 years ago at 10:45 am
    2. Kyle Brorton

      People that drink fruity drinks can’t drink very many of them, given their own inherently fruity nature. Large bar tabs come from: rounds of beer, rounds of shots, rounds of bourbon/scotch.

      What you should have said is the active that throws the most money around when he’s wasted gets the job. And he deserves it, because those guys keep me rich. And drunk. Frat on.

      14 years ago at 4:15 pm