I do rich people drugs. TFM.

  1. GWBusch

    Bragging about having money to do drugs=NF. Being wealthy enough to do drugs and not getting caught=FaF

    14 years ago at 8:09 am
  2. frattlerock

    Cocaine is NF its cheap and weak $50 a gram if that alot to you then GTFO. Meth costs twice as much and 10x stronger, but its NF and dont let anyone ever find out about that one. you want a rich person drug try heroin atleast $140 a g in the south. you talk about doing rich people drugs. Then do drugs rich people do. we dont do coke.

    13 years ago at 10:01 pm
    1. The Big LeFratski

      Do heroin if you want to fuck your entire life up. Go ahead, I dare you. It’s only a step below meth. I’m not condoning blow, but it’s a hell of a lot more “fratty” than heroin. Ever see the movie “Blow”? Yeah that cocaine farm is FaF. Know where they make heroin? Fuckin trailers in the backwoods of Alabama. Get the fuck out of here.
      Now crack, crack is NF.

      13 years ago at 10:07 pm
    2. woodski

      BRO did you seriously just type an entire paragraph trying to prove that heroin is fratty ??

      13 years ago at 10:17 pm