What’s The Oldest Continually-Running Fraternity Chapter In America?
While eating some delicious Detroit-style pizza last night at Austin’s own Via 313 (please give me free pizza for this mention, Via 313), a random thought popped into my head: what is the oldest continually-running fraternity chapter in America? As in, which chapter of which national fraternity has gone the longest since foundation without ever getting its charter pulled, recognition revoked, etc.? So I finished up the rest of my delicious and perfectly crispy Via 313 Detroit-style pizza and took to the internet to investigate.
I started with looking at the earliest fraternities in America to see if any of them have been properly maintained.
1. Phi Beta Kappa – College of William & Mary, Founded December 5, 1776
Phi Beta Kappa is still around — as is its alpha chapter at W&M — but it is now an honor society rather than a fraternity. Tragic. NEXT.
2. Kappa Alpha Society – Union College, Founded November 26, 1825
Kappa Alpha Society — which is not the same thing as Kappa Alpha Order — came to Union College in 1825 and is still there today. Check out this quote from Union College’s IFC webpage:
The Kappa Alpha Society was originally founded in 1825 at Union College. Today, KA is an international community with a robust program and nine active chapters. KA is a literary society that focuses on the development of its undergraduate members and nurtures life-long friendships among its vibrant alumni network. The only fraternity that has maintained a continuous existence since its foundation, making it the oldest undergraduate fraternity that exists today
Is my investigation over? Was it really that easy?
Nope. After checking the tape, it appears Union College Kappa Alpha Society was not recognized between the years of 2003-2011 despite what that webpage says. Their former 178-year run is very impressive, but alas, it’s over. NEXT.
3. The Sigma Phi Society – Union College, Founded March 4, 1827
A year after KA Society came to town, Sig Phi opened up at Union. Sigma Phi Society is best known as the first national fraternity, as it was the first fraternity to open up a chapter at another university (Hamilton College in 1831). Sigma Phi Society is still at Union College today, but did they suffer the same fate as their Union brothers in facing a block of unrecognized years at some point? If not, we have our winner.
After some sleuthing, I stumbled across this August 25, 2003 article posted by Union College:
Sigma Phi fraternity had 37 members in 2002-2003, and the organization encourages leadership and friendship. Founded in 1827, it is the oldest surviving fraternity in the country. In recent years the Union chapter has participated in Big Brothers/Big Sisters, sponsored an annual golf tournament to benefit cancer research, and hosted a dinner/fundraiser for the Family and Child Services of Schenectady.
Remember that Union College Kappa Alpha Society was already off campus by the time this article came out, meaning that as long as Sigma Phi was open from 2004-2016 (admittedly the toughest stretch of time for fraternities to stay open), they are like they were in 2003: the “oldest surviving fraternity in the country.” And my research found that they were and are.
Here’s to 190 more years, Union College Sigma Phi..
Am I wrong? If so, correct me via email: jared@totalfratmove.com
[via Union College IFC, Union College]
It’s a shame so many colleges were lost in the Civil War.
8 years ago at 3:18 pmThat’s what happens when you kill a large part of the country’s college age men. Same thing happened to England in WWI. Ever watch”The Kingsmen”?
8 years ago at 8:52 pmSounds like exactly what I said. Cool.
8 years ago at 7:50 pmDownvote me if you must but fraternities are at their cores intended to be literary or honor societies. That was how the idea was first incepted, and a lot of loose rules and poor decision making has led to the conflict of interests we see today between fraternities and administrations. Stay classy, San Diego.
8 years ago at 3:20 pmI’m Ron Burgundy?
8 years ago at 4:05 pmYou sir, are not.
8 years ago at 1:36 amBrothers, Gentlemen, Philanthropists, Scholars. If these traits don’t describe your chapter, you guys are not keeping up with the tradition of excellence. The other stuff comes after.
8 years ago at 1:35 amOne thing that struck me recently was the perception that the fraternity man today cares more about liquor than he does about helping our world to grow or his hand in building the world.
8 years ago at 8:15 amNerds.
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8 years ago at 3:23 amObject of the Day: if Viagra increases blood flow to a man’s brain, then does cocaine help me go to sleep?
8 years ago at 3:25 pmNo.
8 years ago at 4:01 pmOnly in small moderation
8 years ago at 9:07 pmOn Wikipedia it says that the Phi Delt chapter at Centre College in Kentucky was and we had always believed that to be true.
8 years ago at 4:00 pmim a mercer phi and were second behind them, continuous since 1872
8 years ago at 6:38 pm“Second place is for losers.” – My son
8 years ago at 8:07 pmIf you ain’t first, you’re last. – thevaginator’s “educated” cousin/stepbrother
8 years ago at 9:56 pmThat’s just not true, Phi Delt at Wabash has been continuous since 1850
8 years ago at 11:43 pmJared, I enjoy reading your articles on ‘Total Frat Move’. You keep it funny and entertaining,..and of course informative.
I really liked your posting on “What’s The Oldest Continually-Running Fraternity Chapter In America?” When I first saw that title I was excited to see my fraternity being the answer to that question. And I was surprised that the Beta Theta Pi chapter at Washington and Jefferson was not mentioned. ((((The oldest fraternity chapter in continuous existence…) …is celebrating her 170th anniversary Oct. 19-20. CONGRATS to the Gamma Chapter at Washington & Jefferson College in Penn. for carrying the Beta torch with pride all these years! )))) I was taught this as a pledge near frozen Lake Mendota on the campus of the University of Wisconsin in the Fall of 1991. I read that you attended there as well,…Go Badgers !!! Not sure if Sigma Phi’s Alpha chapter has been open since the fraternity was founded there. Also,..Sigma Phi is no longer a fraternity. It is a secret society and not a fraternity.
Marching Along in Beta Theta Pi,
8 years ago at 4:00 pmDean Eiden
You’re gay
8 years ago at 4:05 pmI feel like I just got autism reading that
8 years ago at 4:40 pmYou weren’t hazed enough
8 years ago at 5:09 pmI was hoping this was a satirical comment, but I think this dude is being legit
8 years ago at 5:14 pmPro tip: don’t use your email for a TFM username
8 years ago at 6:16 pmWho let the narc in
8 years ago at 6:45 pm“You are a massive pussy who couldn’t get into a real fraternity so you had to join a bottom tier bunch of losers.” – my son
8 years ago at 8:09 pm“And I looked at your Facebook page. You have got to be the biggest goober on the planet.” – my son
8 years ago at 8:14 pmThis is definitely some 50-60 year old guy who discovered TFM
8 years ago at 8:32 pmYou forgot to mention that Beta at W&J is the boy lover frat.
8 years ago at 11:15 pmMentioning that was Dorn’s job
8 years ago at 9:57 pmShout out to detroit style pizza
8 years ago at 4:05 pm“Here are the first 4 in chronological order.”
You are a LIAR Jared!!!
8 years ago at 6:04 pmI’m using deanzz@yahoo.com to sign up for so much shit
8 years ago at 8:59 pmDetroit style pizza is Little Caesar’s.
8 years ago at 9:18 pmChi Phi is actually the longest continually running fraternity, it was founded on December 24, 1824 making it the oldest still running fraternity in America
8 years ago at 9:57 am“What the hell is a Chi Phi? Fucking goober.” – my son
8 years ago at 1:10 pm