Explaining to Yankees that if there Frat or College is above the Mason-Dixon line, they are GDIs to the rest of us. SEC, TFM.

  1. Fly Afbro

    im from the north, i lip, drink, fish and i know tons of bros in the south… they all say were legit when they visit. Im not speaking for everyone just the PITT scene

    15 years ago at 11:26 am
  2. Smarter than YOUR DUMB ASS

    Don’t you have to be in college to be in a fraternity? I thought so. If so, learn how to fucking spell you retard. It’s spelled “their” not “there” in the context you wrote it. Making us look like dumb hicks down here.

    15 years ago at 10:04 pm
    1. brochaco

      Your last sentence is a fragment, idiot. You ought to use proper grammar when you are trying to give someone else a spelling lesson.

      15 years ago at 11:28 pm
    2. @brochacho

      Don’t cut and paste comments into Word to see if they’re grammatically correct.
      Trolling trolls. TTM.

      14 years ago at 7:29 pm
  3. Honey

    I’m sorry, your accent makes it difficult to understand. Could you repeat your statement, perhaps using grammar as your guide?

    15 years ago at 1:33 pm
  4. fuckyankees

    fraternities in the north and florida may be technically fraternities, so they can boast the 40% greek or whatever, but wearing two skin tight shirts with popped collars and a flat bill is not fratty. it’s extremely gay. real fraternities were founded in the south, like KA, SAE, etc. Beta is maybe cool in fucking Philly or something, but i can speak for just about every actually fratty school when i say that Beta are the biggest fags ever. learn how to actually be fratty or fucking shut up

    15 years ago at 10:15 pm
  5. go frat yourself

    any school that uses the term “frat” in reference to itself or any particular fraternity is not fratty at all. “frat” may be used as an adjective to any of a number of activities. have respect. we dont call countries cunts, so dont call fraternities frats. disgraceful.

    14 years ago at 12:17 am
    1. robert e. lee

      he was using “frat” as an adjective, seeing as he explained this in his post. So you sir, are the GDI…

      14 years ago at 7:39 pm
  6. Teddy Broosevelt

    Indiana = Honorary Southern state. The only reason ou state went blue two yrs ago is because of those crooked chicagoans claiming they lived here because their state sucks balls. The town from which I hail has voted Republican for over 100 years. TFM

    14 years ago at 8:21 pm
    1. The Frat

      Voting Republican over 100 years ago was not frat. Try starting to vote Republican forty years ago. Voting Republican over 100 years ago means that your town voted for the GDIs that implemented Reconstruction. You can’t be an “Honorary Southern State” when you and your people tried to destroy us, because we’re better than you. You want to be like us, because we overcame that in true frat style. Dumb ass GDI.

      14 years ago at 4:41 pm
    2. Kentucky Gentleman

      He said his town has voted Republican for over 100 years, he didn’t say 100 years ago. I love the South and will defend it in any argument against the north, but please go back to elementary school and learn to read. Also, Indiana is not an honorary southern state

      14 years ago at 2:33 am
    3. Livefree_Frathard769

      The GDI that implemented reconstruction? You mean a southern democrat from Tennessee named Andrew Johnson? Lincoln was already dead so I don’t know who you possibly could be talking about. Know your history next time.

      11 years ago at 2:35 am
  7. Brosta Del Mar

    Look we dont talk in perfect grammer so why the hell are yall worried about spellin in it?

    14 years ago at 12:15 am
  8. OU#2partyschool

    SEC schools have garbage education and can’t party besides Tennessee and Georgia. Who the fuck references the “mason dixon line”. Rednecks.

    14 years ago at 7:33 am
    1. W.

      attention douchebag: new jersey is a worldwide joke, you proved this by using “bro” in your post. have fun fist-pumping your way into unemployment, stop wasting our time and get off this site you fucking GDI.

      14 years ago at 4:14 pm