Explaining to Yankees that if there Frat or College is above the Mason-Dixon line, they are GDIs to the rest of us. SEC, TFM.

  1. The Aristofrat

    How about try and not make us all look stupid by using “their” instead of “there”.

    14 years ago at 10:58 pm
    1. Tri delta or dont tri at all

      at least north of this stupid line we are taught proper etiquette and grammar…Thank you elite NE boarding school education.

      14 years ago at 9:03 am
  2. FuckSEC

    From Georgia, go to a Big 10 school. Am a proud Republican. When I graduate I’ll actually have a job that doesn’t involve frying chicken nuggets. Enjoy working at Zaxby’s brochacho.

    14 years ago at 11:19 pm
  3. Tridelta or Don't Tri at all


    Clearly my Daddy wanted me to get the best MRS. degree with my prospects being social, coherent boys.

    Boys who will buy me a ring with a fraction of their trust fund and then have plenty left over from their own earnings to spoil me rotten…Cheers to Libby Pulitzer and I having smarter kids who one day hire your southern freaks since we CAN have our cake and eat it too in the north.

    Get on our level…we are above you in more ways than just geographically.

    14 years ago at 9:28 am
    1. TFM

      Dear Red Necks,

      Up north, we have barndances and white trash high class wedding exchanges to make fun of your shitty colleges, cities, and culture. And have the biggest greek system in the nation here at llinois. Graduate already so you can be my bitch. TFM

      14 years ago at 11:44 pm
    2. from dixie with love

      Hahaha aw! Ya’ll are so precious thinking the North could ever out frat the South. Sorry hunny, I would rather my future husband be a SOUTHERN gentleman with oil money whose Mama taught him how to properly treat a lady than some trash liberal GDI from the North. And before any of you silly YANKEES think for one second we dont have Jersey Shore themed date parties to make fun of your “shitty colleges, cities and culture”, you are mistaken. Also, before you attempt to insult our way of life, please learn the difference between “Southern” and “red neck”, it will be much appreciated.

      14 years ago at 12:07 am
    3. TFM


      Shitty colleges…Oh you are right. How could I forget how shitty we are! The difference from us making fun of barn dance and white trash..is the fact that the south covers a vast area of land! New Jersey on the other hand…actually is only a City! Who woulda known!

      Reason I am smarter than you:

      Reason that I drink more than you do– and will make more money at the same time (WHAT A CONCEPT!) : http://www.payscale.com/best-colleges/top-party-colleges.asp

      Listen carefully..I hope you can connect these two….


      “term to refer to poor white Southern farmers in the United States.”

      Definition for Southerners


      “South remains distinct with higher percentages of blacks, lower percentages of high school graduates, lower housing values, lower household incomes and higher percentages of people in poverty”


      14 years ago at 1:07 am
    4. Kentucky Gentleman

      TFM, clearly you should read over your last post. You say New Jersey is only a city, and right underneath it you have a link to why you are smarter. Irony. Good job TFM of reminding me why I’d rather be from the South, a good, hardworking man, who earns every penny in my bank account, and at the end of the day knows how to treat a woman right.

      14 years ago at 2:39 am
    5. PhiFuckingAlpha

      “Jersey Shore” doesn’t sum up the entire North, sorry if you think it does. No matter where I’m from, I will always be a True Gentleman.

      14 years ago at 8:42 am