Saw this in a rushee's room. Bid.

  1. AhBROham Lincoln

    Just a little history lesson for you jokers.

    George Bush Sr. Born and Raised in Connecticut = North of Mason Dixon line.
    George Bush Born in Conn. = North
    Ronald Reagan Born in Illinois = North
    Wall Street, NYC = North
    John D. Rockefeller from NY raised in Ohio = North
    Andrew Carnegie = From UK lived in Mass = North
    J.P. Morgan (the person), NYC = North
    Thomas Edison (cofounder GE, in Connecticut) = North

    The original captains of industry being from the North, Priceless. Texas may have the energy corridor, but the North invented big industry as you know it (U.S. Steel, Standard Oil, the AMERICAN auto industry)

    Likewise the party of Abraham Lincoln was the REPUBLICAN party, which you southerns didn’t decide to join until the 20th century.

    We invented you, and run this country.


    14 years ago at 3:54 pm
    1. Jimmy Broffett

      One cannot help where they are born… the Bush family and Reagan saw the errors of their ways and fixed them, and got the hell out of the north.

      And pointing to a few rich people from the north from 100 years ago doesn’t make the north fratty. Nice try, GDI. Go back to your union factory job now.

      14 years ago at 4:15 pm
    2. srat

      None of this changes the fact that you, unfortunately, are not from the South. And you cannot actually try and tell me that George W. is considered “Northern.” Let’s be real.

      14 years ago at 5:10 pm
    3. palmbeachprincess

      obviously you are jealous of greek life or else you would not be on this website wishing you were us, or wasting time writing that all out to defend yourself.

      14 years ago at 5:40 pm
    4. Broseidon

      Did you really just call southerners GDI’s? We are everything that Greek life represents. Without the South, there wouldn’t be a Greek life.

      14 years ago at 6:09 pm
    5. Fratter Than YOU

      Here is a history lesson for YOU dipshit, the republicans then were the democrats now…
      Texas has the 8th largest economy in the world. Frat.
      Texas is below the Mason Dixon line. Frat.
      George bush may not be Texan by birth, but def a Texan by choice and raised in Midland and Houston. Frat.
      Wall street couldn’t operate without Texas or Texas Business. Frat.
      South has SWEET TEA and Texas toast. Frat.
      South has tons of wild game as well as fishing in the gulf. Frat.
      north is overpopulated while the south is nicely spread out. Frat.
      north is full of liberals while the south is conservative. Frat.
      37 billionaires in Texas alone. Frat.
      BigXII and SEC football…South. Frat.

      Bottom Line is real frat stars are from the south. Times have changed, and you’re still a damn yankee gdi trying to one up the south, but it will NEVER HAPPEN.

      14 years ago at 6:51 pm
    6. Karl von Fratvitz

      Abraham Lincoln = starter of the Northern War of Agggression = violator of states rights (the TRUE American Way) and no Southern = NF

      14 years ago at 9:59 pm
    7. Jeffrey LeBROski

      Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush are frat stars. Deal with it.

      Abraham Lincoln was a GDI. Deal with it.

      14 years ago at 10:04 pm
    8. Broeitling

      California has about 95 billionaires, why should it be special that Texas has 37?

      14 years ago at 5:38 am
    9. So nice to meet you. So nice.

      Broseiden you are kidding, right? most greek chapters started NORTH of the mason-dixon line.

      14 years ago at 10:50 am
    10. Confederatelove

      Like the Bush family The Great Reagan and may I add many other very wealthy men including my family we were born in the north but couldn’t stand the liberal hippie dirt wizards, high taxes, poor education thanks to unions and liberal teachers, worker unions that can’t even found their own pensions, so we moved South of the mason dixon line and when applying for college my parents said I better not think about going north. North is not frat south is Frat and never will I go north again… BTW California does not have 96 billionaires dumbass Texas has the most billionaires in the world then New York City so research before your write.

      14 years ago at 12:28 am
    11. Fratter Than YOU

      Texas doesn’t have the most billionaires bud, we have 37. Back to Broeitlings comment… Texas has 37 billionaires to California’s 78 billionaires. Both have a combined total of $248 billion. We have quality over quantity you liberal ass gdi

      14 years ago at 12:35 pm
  2. BROn Paul

    didn’t know the north could invent something. I thought people did that.
    Us southerners, or as you (GDI) called it “southerns”, changed the republican party before we joined it.
    The south runs this country and Abraham Lincoln was a douche.

    14 years ago at 3:58 pm
    1. Duke Fraterberry

      At least Jefferson Davis died a pleasent and honorable death, not having his brains all over the Ford theater is a big time TFM

      14 years ago at 5:52 pm
    2. Duke Fraterberry

      So when Obama passes away, I can’t make fun of him? My families president during that time was Jefferson Davis therefore I didn’t bash him…your post is irrelevant

      14 years ago at 6:18 pm
    3. Fratter Than YOU

      Texas doesn’t have the most billionaires bud, we have 37. Back to Broeitlings comment… Texas has 37 billionaires to California’s 78 billionaires. Both have a combined total of $248 billion. We have quality over quantity you liberal ass gdi

      14 years ago at 12:34 pm
  3. DamnYankees

    What the hell does this post have to do with who runs the country?

    Let’s just have another Civil War. Then we will see who truly runs this country.

    God Bless the South and its Fraternities!

    14 years ago at 4:59 pm
    1. So nice to meet you. So nice.

      Oh yeah, let’s have another civil war. The south can be put in its place again.

      14 years ago at 10:47 am
    2. BROn Paul

      my above comment was directed at “doug” and “So nice to meet you. So nice.”

      14 years ago at 2:09 pm
    3. Confederatelove

      Thanks to Obama thats very possible. Southern states (real American states) are threatening to secede from this near communist country because of that sub-human… If you are supporting the North you support you families money and values getting washed down the toilet… South is the only thing keeping this great country alive.

      14 years ago at 12:31 am
    4. Fratty McFraterson

      Another civil war would be a joke. All of the major military bases are in the south. If you join the army, guess where you’re sent.. Georgia. Want to be a submariner? Kings bay is in Georgia.. F-22 raptors, the most elite fighter jet ever built.. Dobbins Air Force base in Georgia.. Not to mention, I don’t see many northerners wanting to fight, If you look at military enlisted by state, the south is ahead by an incredibly large margin. Roughly 62,000 for the Southern States and roughly 44,000 for the North

      14 years ago at 9:26 am
    5. Brochocho

      Don’t forget to add that all Yankee northerners are too lazy to get off their own asses and work because they’re so used to government handouts.

      14 years ago at 7:10 pm
  4. Broseph

    Thank you for that intelligent comment…glad to know that fishing in the gulf relates to politics.

    14 years ago at 9:48 pm
    1. Chip

      You’re an idiot. This is a thread without pictures of fish…… Try going up one GDI.

      14 years ago at 6:44 pm
    2. Broseph

      not being able to read…such as the post above it where I admit to screwing up…NF

      14 years ago at 7:41 am
  5. Chip

    FYI, There are 61 billionares in New York, and 18 in Illinois.

    Texas at 27 million people with 37 billionares.
    New York has 19 million people with 61 billionares.

    Which is significantly more per capita.

    Not such a good argument on your part, but I still like the south better.

    14 years ago at 10:12 am
    1. Fratter Than YOU

      New York actually has 68 billionaires with a combined net worth of $236 Billion, while Texas has 37 billionaires and a combined net worth of $248 Billion.
      So with 31 more billionaires than Texas, New York is still $12 billion shy of being even with Texas. I guess this is a “Quality over Quantity Matter” now…

      Texas has an area of 268,820 square miles. That is SIGNIFICANTLY bigger than New York’s measly 54,555 sq mi. So, naturally the per capita WOULD BE significantly higher. Especially considering living in New York is the equivalent of living in a shoe box.

      Not such a great rebuttal on your part.

      14 years ago at 2:01 pm
  6. Fratability

    California? You mean liberal Commiefornia? That state is a joke along with it’s partners north of the Mason Dixon line. Why don’t you join PETA and save the coyote’s that are invading your suburbs, meanwhile we’ll keep hunting and fixing our problems with real solutions instead of unions and handouts to leeches like the lower class.

    14 years ago at 10:41 am
    1. Tennessee Sorostitute

      you are on topic. this post should be filled with comments hating on liberals and terrorists and loving conservatives and America. how this turned into a north/South debate, i’ll never know.

      14 years ago at 3:48 pm
  7. brother bear

    I’d like to point out that the staples the south claims as their own are all northern companies, Brooks Brothers, Polo, Vineyard Vines, Your Tahoe, while a great truck, is a Detroit built SUV, thats about as North as it gets. And Texas couldn’t survive without Wall Street, not the other way around. I don’t think I’ve ever seen people support the loser of a war as much as the South. The ‘Yankees’ have to give them credit for perseverance, even if it is a losing fight.

    Don’t hate on the North, hate on the people everywhere that are wearing flat bills and letters.

    14 years ago at 12:36 am
    1. haze early

      While I agree with your last sentence, I think this whole North/South shit is going to far. I was born in the South, and eventually moved North. Sorry if this isn’t “totally frat” enough for you SEC guys, but my dad was being moved from base to base because he went to West Point and was defending our country. When I graduated High School, I stayed in the North. Not because I thought the North was better than the South, simply because I didn’t give a shit. Being Southern is as much a lifestyle as a location. My dad went to law school in the North (Notre Dame) after USMA, and still wakes up every Saturday and tailgates in his CSA General’s hat. Deal with it.

      My teacher told me a story once in North Carolina of battle in the So Called Civil War (Sucession from a Union and then fighting isn’t really a Civil War) where wave after wave of heavily outnumbered Confederate soldiers charged a Union occupied Fort, and kept getting the shit kicked out of them. At one point, the Union soldiers all put down their guns and applauded them for their bravery. Maybe it’s time to stop all this hatred based on the Mason-Dixon line, and start the hatred on other important issues, like Socialism and Longboards.

      Sorry if this is wordy and long, but I’m stilled messed up from last night and tweaked on Adderall.

      14 years ago at 5:39 am