Saw this in a rushee's room. Bid.

  1. the narrator that cant spell

    this is the picture that was the spark that started the Great Greek war. Fraternal brothers stood agianst other Fraternal brothers, fratenity agianst fraternity in a very wordy battle. insults spewn back and forth over the web. slowly the war grew. invading other topics completely irrelavent to the original subject. these inoccent topics molested and beated to death, and still beaten. and still beaten, and they keep getting beaten. (like a dead horse) then sent to other threads to be beaten. then there are those with since that realize we need to unite agianst our common ennemy, GDI’s. the pluage of the world and our great nation. leechin off the Greek Community. those with since get ridiculed by ignorant pigs. but as fellow fraternal memebers we have to unite agianst them. they are a disease that is corrupting the greek community. remember pigs dont slaughter them selves, so we must.

    remeber pigs to slaughter and GDI’s to kick in the face as they ask 4 change.

    (p.s. General Lee was a GDI [if ur a spiritual founder ur still a GDI])

    14 years ago at 2:29 pm
  2. Fratty McFraterson

    Doing constant research to prove which state has more billionaires = NF

    14 years ago at 9:13 am
    1. Frat King Cole

      Living in the UNITED States of America, the frattiest country in the world. TFM

      14 years ago at 1:48 pm
  3. Mike

    While I’m making millions a year trading bonds in NYC (the North) you can have fun with the $60,000 you make trading equities in Dallas. If you don’t get the reference you’re a GDI.

    14 years ago at 10:37 pm