Except the princeton review that ranked ole miss the number two school with the best Greek system in the nation. What was Alabama on that again? Hotty toddy
The Frattiest school in the SEC is UGA by far.
I don’t think Ole Miss is currently ranked the number #1 party school in the nation…. Oh ya because it’s GEORGIA!! Having over 120 bars in a 1 sq. mile radius makes Athens, GA FAF. Plus, the University of Georgia was the first public chartered university in the United States. Partying since 1785. I think those three reasons give Georgia the right to say “BURRBETTERTHANYOU” to any school in the SEC.
Good work in selecting a Geed, but I guess you don’t know any better. And that guy was obviously belligerent. Our home football game opener against south carolina in 2009 was a night game, so he had obviously been drinking from 8 am-7 pm like everybody else. Better luck next time bud!
also helps when you have a school that is about half the size of most other SEC schools. Take Sewanee for example, they have a tiny school which makes their greek life look much larger than it actually is. plus, like in your case, there is nothing to do outside of greek life and an underclassmen so someone almost HAS to go greek.
frat on brother,
valid point, but i still think percentages are the best indicator in this case. Sewanee does not even have 1,500 people so it’s kind of a stretch as far as comparing ole miss to other SEC schools.
ok I will agree with you that Athens is filled with hipsters, BUT our bars are FRAT. We also know how to spell the word “argument” correctly at UGA. Plus, we have a lower percentage number to keep the geeds out. The real explanation for our lower percentage number is that there are more females than males on campus. Yes gentleman, that means more slampieces. For example, here are the statistics on students entering UGA in 2010 https://www.admissions.uga.edu/article/a_closer_look.html
four bro four,
guess im the first person to accidentally misspell a word on an iphone.. good thing there are nit picking fags like you to point it out. never said UGA is not frat, they’re without a doubt top tier along with ole miss and alabama. But ole miss is a cut above. To be honest i do not think you are fully grasping the concept of ‘percentages of MEN’, there is a higher concentration of MEN in fraternities, however many men there are, or numbers compared to women is irrelevent. I know you’re not stupid cause you go to UGA and that’s a good school, but come on.
fyi ole miss is 53% female so dont act like UGA is the only SEC school with a generous male/female ratio
im not trying to sound like a GDI but honestly, who cares? when youre getting drunk with some of your best friends at a great party with beautiful women then no matter where you are, you had a pretty great time. i go to tennessee and the first party i went to was an ole miss party during my senior year of high school but i wouldnt and still cant tell a difference between the two because everyone was just out to have a good time and still are out for the same reason
Who is it?
14 years ago at 5:32 pmIt’s Dean
14 years ago at 5:34 pm@CCpone Quoting Jersey Shore = NF. Get the fuck out of here GEED
14 years ago at 5:36 pmKnowing that was on the jersey shore = NF
14 years ago at 6:22 pmHybrid Killer beat me to it
14 years ago at 6:37 pmhaha Hybrid Killer and Texas Pride beat me to it. We should all be friends.
14 years ago at 6:56 pmdamn hyrbid,tex and bro all beat me to it motion to blackball this geed from the site.
14 years ago at 8:21 pmOhio State???
14 years ago at 5:48 pmOle Miss doesn’t have shit on Alabama
14 years ago at 5:48 pmExcept the princeton review that ranked ole miss the number two school with the best Greek system in the nation. What was Alabama on that again? Hotty toddy
14 years ago at 1:28 amThe Frattiest school in the SEC is UGA by far.
14 years ago at 6:08 pmI don’t think Ole Miss is currently ranked the number #1 party school in the nation…. Oh ya because it’s GEORGIA!! Having over 120 bars in a 1 sq. mile radius makes Athens, GA FAF. Plus, the University of Georgia was the first public chartered university in the United States. Partying since 1785. I think those three reasons give Georgia the right to say “BURRBETTERTHANYOU” to any school in the SEC.
So I guess all UGA students are like this kid:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etMlNW5w-50
14 years ago at 6:38 pmGood work in selecting a Geed, but I guess you don’t know any better. And that guy was obviously belligerent. Our home football game opener against south carolina in 2009 was a night game, so he had obviously been drinking from 8 am-7 pm like everybody else. Better luck next time bud!
14 years ago at 7:01 pmplease..everyone knows Athens is hipster central.
take note
Percent of Undergrad men in fraterities:
– Ole Miss: 32%
– UGA: 20%
– Alabama: 22%
aregument over HOTTY TODDY
14 years ago at 7:04 pmalso helps when you have a school that is about half the size of most other SEC schools. Take Sewanee for example, they have a tiny school which makes their greek life look much larger than it actually is. plus, like in your case, there is nothing to do outside of greek life and an underclassmen so someone almost HAS to go greek.
14 years ago at 7:20 pmfrat on brother,
14 years ago at 7:36 pmvalid point, but i still think percentages are the best indicator in this case. Sewanee does not even have 1,500 people so it’s kind of a stretch as far as comparing ole miss to other SEC schools.
ok I will agree with you that Athens is filled with hipsters, BUT our bars are FRAT. We also know how to spell the word “argument” correctly at UGA. Plus, we have a lower percentage number to keep the geeds out. The real explanation for our lower percentage number is that there are more females than males on campus. Yes gentleman, that means more slampieces. For example, here are the statistics on students entering UGA in 2010 https://www.admissions.uga.edu/article/a_closer_look.html
14 years ago at 8:09 pmfour bro four,
guess im the first person to accidentally misspell a word on an iphone.. good thing there are nit picking fags like you to point it out. never said UGA is not frat, they’re without a doubt top tier along with ole miss and alabama. But ole miss is a cut above. To be honest i do not think you are fully grasping the concept of ‘percentages of MEN’, there is a higher concentration of MEN in fraternities, however many men there are, or numbers compared to women is irrelevent. I know you’re not stupid cause you go to UGA and that’s a good school, but come on.
fyi ole miss is 53% female so dont act like UGA is the only SEC school with a generous male/female ratio
14 years ago at 10:52 pmim not trying to sound like a GDI but honestly, who cares? when youre getting drunk with some of your best friends at a great party with beautiful women then no matter where you are, you had a pretty great time. i go to tennessee and the first party i went to was an ole miss party during my senior year of high school but i wouldnt and still cant tell a difference between the two because everyone was just out to have a good time and still are out for the same reason
14 years ago at 2:45 amCan someone please read those paragraphs and tell me if they are worth it?
14 years ago at 7:07 pmThis has been said in different wording countless times. Get some originality, do they teach that at Ole Miss?
14 years ago at 6:17 pmNo, we favor tradition too much.
14 years ago at 10:52 amYa’ll didn’t know he was a virgin till he was 28
14 years ago at 6:20 pmWar Eagle!
14 years ago at 6:31 pmum excuse me. that is a roll tide commercial dumb ass. you cannot claim that for auburn. ROLL TIDE
14 years ago at 7:10 pmHahaha that commercial is FaF.
14 years ago at 7:46 pmNo shit dumbass , its called sarcasm , you must be a PIKE.
14 years ago at 7:08 pmits between Alabama, Georgia, and Ole Miss in my opinion
14 years ago at 6:22 pmVery true. These three are by a long shot the frattiest.
14 years ago at 6:37 pmSEC Top Tier.
14 years ago at 7:11 pmhotty toddy
14 years ago at 6:36 pmAmen sister!
14 years ago at 7:29 pmOle Miss’ continuous attempts at self-validation on totalfratmove=NF
14 years ago at 7:04 pmNice Move
14 years ago at 9:26 pmTruth.
14 years ago at 5:48 pmItawamba Community College?
14 years ago at 7:45 pm