I thought UF was an SEC school, until we made Tebow cry. TFM

  1. PGT Beauregard

    At least UF has won something meaningful since the Kennedy administration.

    Geaux to Hell Ole Miss

    15 years ago at 11:16 am
    1. Fratty Toddy

      you fuckin dumbass gdi its already been explained 3 times on this page what game its referring to

      15 years ago at 2:20 am
  2. Fuck you

    First off, Alabama beat uf not “ole miss” so keep fucking dreaming. Second, Tim Tebro is much more of a bro than anyone from ole miss. Thirdly, try rooting for ur own team and stop sucking off nick saban and the rest of Alabama.

    15 years ago at 12:39 pm
    1. Jake BROwen

      You dumb fucking GDI. Obviously he is talking about when Ole Miss beat Florida in ’08, 31-30. After which he gave his stupid fucking speech while bawling…

      15 years ago at 1:19 pm
    2. Bama Bitch

      Tim Tebow is a fucking GDI cry baby.
      After Alabama, Ole Miss is one of the frattiest schools.

      15 years ago at 3:30 pm
    3. Duke Fraterberry

      Here let me settle this so all is right in the world of fratting. Tebow is a gel head douche, who know is the official spokesman for Jockey underwear;gay as aids. Next, UF is not, has never been, and will never be fratty. Burn the jorts, slap on some chinos, oxford, bow/tie with sperrys to “The Swamp”, then we will talk…until then, Case. Fucking. Closed.

      15 years ago at 7:12 pm
  3. Frat or Die!

    None of you fuck schools could beat GDIville (UF) before Ole Miss so chill! 2008 31-30…DEAL WITH IT. Ole Miss is the #1 Frat school in this country.

    15 years ago at 1:29 pm
  4. "Its "Fraternity" you GDI"

    Are you retarded? When people talk about Tebow crying, everyone knows its referring to when Alabama spanked him in the SEC Championship… Its like talking about Oprah, everyone knows who I am talking about even if there are other Oprahs out there… Get a job you fucking hippie.

    15 years ago at 1:50 pm
  5. I'm from an SEC school and I don't fuck my sister.

    32 fraternities at UF> 19 at ole miss aka 7000 guys in fraternities at UF> 5000 at ole miss. Idno if you retarded fucks from Alabama can comprehend that shit, but if not go suck on ur moms tits some more or go jack ur dick to ur sister, you inbred faggots

    15 years ago at 3:43 pm
    1. Bay Tree Plantation

      You write like a 12 year old. I can tell you’re from UF…and wear jorts.

      15 years ago at 4:23 pm
    2. Jake BROwen

      Well first off, Ole Miss is in Mississippi so…your credibility goes out the window on that one bud. Bay Tree is right, you type like you’re still in fucking middle school. Anddd the numbers don’t mean shit because although UF may have 32 fraternities as you claim, Ole Miss has 19 bad ass fraternities; not to mention some of THE hottest sorostitutes around…

      15 years ago at 7:11 pm
    3. "Its "Fraternity" you GDI"

      32 Fraternities full of GDI’s. You don’t know the meaning of fraternity. Go longboard downhill towards a nice wall and then you’ll have first hand experience in dealing with a real SEC defense. Just ask Timmy…

      14 years ago at 2:00 pm
  6. Ben Fratlock

    Florida is about as fratty as a pair of True Religion jeans. Wait, I guess they wear jorts down there…

    15 years ago at 5:29 pm
  7. Fratwall Jackson

    As an Ole Miss student I take pride in knowing that we are one of the THREE schools to make Tebag cry. LSU was the first one to do it in 2006, when he had his dad escort him off in tears. Next was the Rebels in 2008, afterwhich he poured tears all down his affliction shirt as if someone murdered Ed Hardy. Finally Bama did it last year after raping them. Timmy won’t be crying anymore after some NFL backer breaks his fucking neck in the preseason game he starts.

    15 years ago at 6:59 pm