Once You Use Realtime Brackets For March Madness, You’ll Never Go Back


Like going from dial-up to high speed internet, from regular to high definition TV, or from missionary to literally any other position — using Realtime Brackets will make you wonder why you ever did it any other way.

It’s very different from how you’re used to filling out your bracket. Realtime Brackets allows you to adjust your picks during the NCAA tournament. It’s similar real time betting on a football game after kickoff. Just because your initial pick is looking like a loser, it doesn’t mean you have to sit helplessly by and wait for your impending death. You have a shitty first couple games and find yourself in serious trouble? Chill, man, because it’s not over yet. Just change your picks, stop sucking so much, and get your ass back in the game.

You are able to change your picks between and during live games all tournament long against RTB’s depreciating scoring system, because obviously there has to be a penalty for changing from your original shitty picks. After you make your initial picks and the tourney begins, the app will alert you when your teams start to lose, then you switch your picks if you want to.

Available points drop after each TV Timeout and the last chance to switch is with four minutes left, so stay woke after tipoff. No bracket is busted with Realtime Brackets, which is nice, because picking these games is tough. Cinderellas happen. Fourteen seeds win and ruin 99% of brackets.

There is also a fun opportunity for you college students out there. Realtime Brackets has launched an ambassador program and you have a chance to earn cold, hard cash, as well as a nice addition to your résumé. You can get paid $150 for getting 50 friends to download the app and join your bracket. Beer money.

Read the details HERE if you’re interested.

  1. Dickson

    Is this another shitty gambling site you’re promoting dorn, I’m not reading the garbage article

    8 years ago at 10:08 am
  2. Drunk Chris Berman

    Only pussies don’t double down on their initial picks and try to change them

    8 years ago at 12:31 pm
  3. realtalkandy

    Putting in your own referral link and cashing in on your bros. TFM. Nicely played, Dorn.

    8 years ago at 3:31 pm