The South winning the Big Twelve 7 years in a row. TFM.

  1. Ben Elli

    Im gonna go ahead and guess a bunch of people are going to start whining about Oklahoma not being the south.

    14 years ago at 12:54 pm
    1. Frat Texas

      I’m gonna go ahead and say people talk way too much shit towards each other on this site. Get back to drinking beer hazing pledges and hating GDIs rather than bitching about the non-frattiness of places.

      14 years ago at 12:59 pm
    2. Ben Elli

      Han its not the truth. The US Census Bureau puts us in the south…. I dont see how that isnt the truth you fucking moron.

      14 years ago at 1:23 pm
  2. KAvu

    Oklahoma is more Midwest than anything, they prob don’t even sell sweet tea anywhere, and if you don’t sell sweet they its not the south

    14 years ago at 1:53 pm
  3. America


    14 years ago at 2:45 pm
    1. America


      14 years ago at 3:52 pm
    2. 1858

      The Big 12 is a conference. The Big 12 South is a division. You’re a bit confused.

      14 years ago at 3:58 pm
  4. boomersooner

    arguing geography is really stupid…oklahoma is south, as much south as tennessee or south carolina or georgia is…look at lines of longitude and latitude…

    14 years ago at 3:00 pm
    1. Colonel

      Geography has nothing to do with this. North, east, and west are directions, the South is a place; a place that doesn’t include Oklahoma.

      14 years ago at 3:36 pm
    2. Ben Elli

      Hey um good argument their dipfuck “south has nothing to do with geography”. Considering we were a confederate territory…

      14 years ago at 3:51 pm
    3. boomersooner

      god dude you make all southerners look stupid with that argument. go back to your shitty sec school

      14 years ago at 5:05 pm
  5. fratcat

    The Census probably puts Florida in the South too. Know your history and know your culture you peasant fuck.

    14 years ago at 4:19 pm
  6. eyes of frattin are upon you

    if your above the red river you are from the midwest sorry oklahomo

    14 years ago at 5:03 pm
    1. boomersooner

      your dumb dude. id expect better from someone who got accepted to ut. unless you are an idiot gdi who doesnt even go there

      14 years ago at 5:06 pm
    2. eyes of frattin are upon you

      ya theres not very many fratty things about the panhandle, and the only fratty thing about tennessee happened hundreds of years ago when they came and helped us with the mexicans

      14 years ago at 5:18 pm
    3. Fratty McFraterson

      Getting into Texas isn’t difficult.. the top 10% of all texas public schools get an automatic acceptance.. that includes the retards in the boondocks.

      14 years ago at 5:35 pm
    4. boomersooner

      sucks going to a competitive school…so if your not with them your against them thus leading me to ou…boomer sooner

      14 years ago at 6:27 pm
    5. Tennessee

      Did not want to get into this at all but first and foremost Oklahoma is obviously in the south. I have yet to go so I can not say whether or not it’s southern. Second, Tennessee is obviously frat we saved your asses and has great hunting.

      14 years ago at 6:49 pm
    6. Texas

      we appreciate tennessee…but the volunteers all got slaughtered at the alamo…texans won san jac

      14 years ago at 7:03 pm
    7. Texas

      hes from virginia, but did hold office in tennessee…idk if id consider him tht or not…but hell, i love tennessee…texas & tennessee FaF for beating the shit outta those gdi mexicans

      14 years ago at 8:11 pm
    1. How great thou frat

      And those tribes had representation In confederate congress. AND it was the last CONFEDERATE territory to surrender.

      14 years ago at 7:10 pm
    2. Costa Del FRAT

      Sounds like broman needs to go put his sandals back on and get his history straight. Then get hazed.

      14 years ago at 7:25 pm
    3. Ben Elli

      Your fucking retarded, conferedate men fought on oklahoma soil. The tribes did as well. You fucking ignorant unintelligent pile of shit.

      14 years ago at 9:35 pm
  7. PhitillIDie

    Remember when we beat you at our Homecoming, took you from the number one spot, and then rushed the field?

    Cause I barely remember that game and I still know that you, your state, and your school blow.

    14 years ago at 9:19 pm
    1. boomersooner

      hey uh, what bowl are you guys playing in? because we are in the fiesta bowl aka a BCS bowl…

      14 years ago at 10:36 pm
    2. weinventedhomecoming

      If Missouri is shithole, what does that make Oklahoma? You live on land that nobody else wanted. That is why they put the Indians there.

      P.S. Missouri has a star on the Confederate Flag

      Carry on..

      14 years ago at 1:04 pm
    3. PhitillIDie

      hey boomer, how about a rematch? I bet we can kick that sloppy, overrated group of punks you call a team all around the field for another four quarters and I’ll still be better dressed than you while we do it.

      14 years ago at 1:14 pm
    4. boomersooner

      you are an idiot. if we played again demarco would run all over yall, and landry would connect to whoever he wanted.tell your running back to get kicked off the team again. Nothing about missouri is frat. BTW yall did nothing in the civil war. go back to your journalism class and your criminal cities. btw look into the name sooner. the story behind it is FaF. good day

      14 years ago at 3:29 pm
    5. PhitillIDie

      You can say all you want about what “would happen” if we replayed you, but you still:

      used the word “faggle”
      abbreviated “by the way”
      come from a shitty state.
      HAVE no cities, thank you Rock Chalk, even if I hate your school on principle.
      and LOST to us. And while I’m going to get the number one journalism degree in the country and then go to law school, you’re going to major in something like “Pig Breeding” and die alone in a farmhouse on a plain somewhere.

      Guess who owns most of the oil in your state? Learn to play ball, geed.

      14 years ago at 9:08 pm