OU Fiji to Toga at Governor’s Mansion, GDI Wants Invitation

“Hi, Price Fallin, Rush Chairman, damn glad to meet you.”

Meet Price Fallin from the University of Oklahoma. He’s the sharp-looking, tux-wearing young man pictured above leaning on what I presume is a 4-wheeled chopper with a stogie in his mouth. He’s not the Rush Chairman, but he is the President of Fiji at OU and the son of Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin. He’s a leader, a visionary, a gentleman, and he has vast resources that he’s not afraid to exercise if a potential fruitful situation were to present itself. Well, it has – this Friday. What better way to lock down the scholarly future of America than hosting a rush party at Oklahoma’s Governor’s Mansion?

It’s unclear how he convinced his mother to let a huge group of 18 to 22-year-old horny, alcoholic lads throw a toga party at the Governor’s Mansion, but we’re glad he did, and a huge thanks to the bitter independent at The Lost Ogle for catching wind of the Fiji’s event calendar. The toga throwdown will take place this Friday, August 10, and the people at The Ogle seem a little sour that they weren’t Fiji material.

Patrick, the author of this write up, describes Price with the following:

“Okay, I made most of that up,” Patrick follows this up with. No, you made all of that up, you untruthful little pipsqueak. There is no party description listed anywhere. It doesn’t even say it’s a damn toga party.

Furthermore, when the second and third words of your article are “douche” and “bag,” you don’t expect people to take your shit seriously, do you? What evidence do you have against this kid other than a few arbitrary photos to suggest he’s a d-bag, as you say? You know this about him: 1. His mother is the Governor of Oklahoma, 2. He’s had at least one Keystone Light before, 3. He’s in a fraternity and attends fraternity parties, and 4. He likes putting blond girls in headlocks. Three words in, you’ve already given a strong vibe that you’re a whiny little twerp that got turned away from a Fiji rager, and your little blog piece is clearly intended to vilify young Price, someone whom I assume you have never shared a single spoken word with. I’m inclined to think the douche bag here is you, Pat.

Moving on, here’s Patrick’s fake writeup about the party:

Yep, my inclination was accurate. When you hear “fraternity party at Governor’s Mansion,” you immediately think of guy-on-guy erotica and date rape paraphernalia? It sounds like you have some questionable, possibly homosexual, inner-dialogue going on that you’re struggling with.

Pat, there’s going to be a lot of cool shit going on at this party, and assuming you are a heterosexual male as you imply, you’d give a testicle to be there. You’ll likely never be apart of anything similar in your lifetime. While you’re sitting in your apartment this Friday night thinking about the heinous acts of debauchery and high society glad-handing spreading around the Governor’s Mansion, and thinking about how you can further spread your envy through written word, picture this face (below) grinding away on some girl you will likely pass on campus wondering who gets to take her home. It’s Price. Price does.

Check out Price's grind face.

And as if ole Pat hasn’t “douched” it up enough (since he likes that insult so much, he uses it twice in his article), he took it upon himself to email the Governor’s office to voice his complaints and ask a few questions. Really, Pat? You took it there? Your day wasn’t miserable enough, so you had to try and make someone else’s miserable as well? Pat’s gonna be that neighbor who calls the cops on the high school kids down the street every weekend for “drinking and causing a raucous.”

Pat, what the fuck, man? You just emailed the Governor’s Mansion about a party you are not invited to, asking if alcohol would be present. Is that really how far you’re taking this thing? What if they answered in the affirmative? Would you picket this party? Oh and by the way, they just lied to you. The alcohol will be flowing like a motherfucker. Congratulations, Patty. You’re damn near the perfect embodiment of a stereotypical GDI. Your preconceived, yet misplaced notions of university Greek culture combined with your whiny “those guys can’t get away with this” attitude are pathetic.

As for Price, you guys turn that place inside out. I just wish I could be there.

Pulling strings and throwing a rush party at the Governor’s Mansion. TFM.

Follow me on Twitter @RogerDornTFM

    1. FratSouthernStyle

      Fuck both of y’all for forgetting the comma before addressing one another.

      12 years ago at 8:38 pm
    1. superwayne

      ^ I’m going to take your pants off, bend you over, and slowly insert my penis into and out of your asshole repeatedly. But, before any of this happens, I will call “no homo”. So it wont be gay.

      12 years ago at 8:34 pm
    2. superwayne

      ^ Dorn and I have a special relationship. It’s just what we do. You have to deal with it if you are gonna be on this site. Right, Dorn? 😀

      12 years ago at 8:46 pm
    3. superwayne

      ^ We would be good friends. I like you alot better than that fuck up knows as “Bacon”.

      12 years ago at 8:58 pm
  1. Rutherford B_Haze

    As FaF as this guy presumably is, I feel compelled to point out, no chest hair=NF

    12 years ago at 8:38 pm
    1. ChattanoogaWhiskey

      They call those people who can’t grow chest hair, or facial hair, women.

      12 years ago at 2:26 pm
  2. F Scott Fratsgerald

    Toga party with no booze? I imagine the flask sales in Norman will be going up this week

    12 years ago at 8:42 pm
  3. StraightUpEverclear

    This is awesome and all but Fiji blows at OU. They aren’t even top 5.

    12 years ago at 8:44 pm
    1. StraightUpEverclear

      Well, considering Lambda and Sig Ep signed around 70 pledges, SAE, Beta, Delts, Sigma Chi and even DU managed to sign over 50 pledges, Fiji could only manage to sign 42, and a shitty 42 at that. I might be blazed, but I know what I’m talking about. Also, whenever your own pledge class talks shit about itself is when you know you suck. Good try though bud.

      12 years ago at 8:12 am
    2. yourfavgeed

      70? Good God. How do you even get to know each other?

      Quantity > Quality. TΠKAM.

      12 years ago at 8:47 am
    3. BellYeah

      A pledge class of 70 might as well be a sorority where everyone talks shit about each other and breaks off into cliques. Yeah, big numbers are good, but fraternities are supposed to be a lot closer than sororities and its impossible to achieve that when you have to get to know 69 (haha) other people. Nothing wrong with a pledge class of 40 or 50 solid guys.

      12 years ago at 12:25 pm
    4. StraightUpEverclear

      Generally at most schools, the better houses have more pledges, at least that’s the case at OU, UT, TCU, etc…

      12 years ago at 2:49 pm
  4. Greekisbetter

    I recently graduated from the university of oklahoma and know Price Fallin personally – we are not in the same house. I am a Greek as well. Kudos to you for writing this article and to Price for being better than Patrick at the lost ogle, the jealous GDI I also know, unfortunately. Luckily I make more in a year than he will in a lifetime.

    12 years ago at 8:44 pm
  5. Will Ferrell

    I looked at the “about us” section for some context on the article….

    Publisher / Editor-In-Chief / Co-Founder

    Patrick was born in Oklahoma City in 1978 and has lived in various parts of the metro his entire life. He had a preadolescence crush on Patti Suarez, a current crush on Joleen Chaney and a man crush on Gary England.

    Patrick oversees all operations of The Lost Ogle, including poor editing, ad sales, events, partnerships and social media. When he is not doing those things, he likes to drink beer with friends, listen to great music and watch and talk about sports. If you are a girl, Patrick lied about that, and actually likes puppies, long walks at Lake Hefner and to just cuddle-up and watch Glee. He also occasionally writes about himself in third-person and has premature gray hair. Both of those things are awesome.

    12 years ago at 8:51 pm
    1. TrickleDown

      That’s not particularly embarrassing. Taken out of context that’s a pretty normal slightly funny bio.

      12 years ago at 9:00 pm
    2. Sigma AIpha Boner

      Patrick is butthurt over the fact he didn’t get a bid. 🙁 Poor guy.

      12 years ago at 9:13 pm
    3. Lou Cox

      It’s embarrassing that a man in his mid-30s is still writing college blogs attempting to poke fun at students that are more than 10 years younger.

      12 years ago at 8:10 pm