Penn State Chipotle Closes After Mass Employee Walkout, Students Will Fucking Starve

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The flagship Chipotle of Penn State University–the only one in State College, actually–is officially closed for business, and because of this, the basic bitches of Penn State are officially on starvation watch.

The Twitter account of Onward State, a student-run university blog, posted the below picture of a sign taped to Chipotle’s front door.

If the “#ChipotleSwag” hashtag doesn’t get Corporate’s attention, do they even care?

I have zero knowledge of the inner-workings of a Chipotle or how their staffs are treated, and I’ve never been to the State College location, but “borderline sweatshop conditions”? Really? You get to work in air-conditioning and stuff your face with Chipotle burritos all day. How bad can it really be?

Get it together, Chipotle management. White girls need to eat.

Image via Twitter

  1. ZeteNJ

    I almost hope every one gets the chance to see what a burrito costs on $15 minimum wage, I really do.

    10 years ago at 12:21 pm
  2. DarkoM

    Unintelligent, oversized hoodie wearing Big Ten girls with chub that slightly hangs over skinny jeans (that they think nobody notices) mourn the loss of their lifeblood.

    10 years ago at 12:32 pm
      1. DarkoM

        The girls I sleep with exist on a fixed regimen of Smart Water, xanax and vodka/soda. Chipotle is for freshman with no self-awareness and jaded older slams who have more or less given up.

        10 years ago at 1:27 pm
  3. Georgia_Fratter

    What makes chipotle better than others? I could care less if my foods have preservatives or not, just give me the damn quac and queso.

    10 years ago at 1:27 pm
  4. SlayinTS717

    Emergency Presidents Council Meeting needed to fix this problem, all there is now is Taco Bell a block down the hill

    10 years ago at 1:45 pm
  5. John_W_Fratweiser

    Interesting times we live in, people tweet off their iPhones about how hard it is to live off minimum wage. #chipotleswag

    10 years ago at 2:00 pm
  6. Lukeloko

    I will probably be down voted to hell for this but I want to point out that this is exactly how capitalism is supposed to work. People voted with their feet and left. Now due to that their business practices will change to accommodate that for better or worse.

    10 years ago at 6:52 pm
    1. MakersRep

      If this were true capitalism there would be no minimum wage and their view on what they would be earning without minimum wage would likely be much different

      10 years ago at 7:09 pm